Silviu St

Learn Kids to draw shapes — Learn your kids to draw in a fun way

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Silviu St
Hey there, My name is Silviu and I'm the developer of this app. It was made to help kids to learn drawing in within a kids-music environment that will help boost their creativity. It has a complex recognising algorithm for shapes and if we, or they, fail to recognise/draw a shape it won't punish them and will tell them that is a nice drawing and should draw one ore time (They'll get back to the draw sooner or later and practicing is the key for success). Automatic snapshots are made for each draw and you can see theirs drawings and save them to camera roll. Rewards are very important for kids so they'll get a badge for each perfect draw. The app was made free so you can play with it and give us a feedback (It's very important to see things from others perspective). Thank you all!! 😍