Jason Schuller

Leeflets - Functional landing pages for all kinds of things.

Hey all, I’d like to introduce something I’ve been working on these past few months called Leeflets — a fully hosted creator/service for functional landing pages. Each template has been planned, designed and created with a specific purpose in mind, but all include the mix of customization and options to make them your own.

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Jason Schuller
Hey all, I’d like to introduce something I’ve been working on these past few months called Leeflets — a fully hosted creator/service for functional landing pages. Leeflets actually started in 2013 as a downloadable flat-file landing page CMS (still available on GitHub), but I’ve always wanted to reboot it as a fully hosted pay-to-publish service. Each template has been planned, designed and created with a specific purpose in mind, but all include the mix of customization and options to make them your own. Each leeflet (page) is free to create and then just $15 to publish (no recurring fees). You can use your own domain or a leeflets domain (e.g. https://leeflets.com/jason/) once published. Currently, there are only two templates: Profile: https://leeflets.com/profile/ A landing page for your bio and links. Perfect for content creators. Newsletter: https://leeflets.com/newsletter/ A landing for your newsletter (currently compatible with MailChimp & ConvertKit). The plan is to create and release at least one new template per month. Here are a few more I have planned: Book A landing page for your book. Sell with PayPal or Stripe, or just link to any other source. Event A landing page for your event. Customize details & sell registrations with PayPal or Stripe. Podcast A landing for your podcast. List episodes, run your newsletter, link to Patreon. Donate A landing page for donations or fundraising. So, thanks a bunch for checking it out. Let me know what you think.
Marc Perel
@jschuller Jason this looks great, love the focus of the interface to quickly get a page up! Looking forward to seeing the next versions, are you going to have a newsletter we can follow?
Jason Schuller
@marcperel Thank you Marc. Always feeling the love from the Perel's — big fan of everything you guys do as well. If you're looking to follow what I'm up to you can jump on my personal newsletter here https://jasonschuller.com/. Or you can subscribe the Leeflets newsletter on https://leeflets.com (jump to the footer).
Ryan Hoover
I like the simplicity, @jschuller. What are some of the most popular or surprising use cases so far?
Jason Schuller
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan! So far, newsletter integration is by far the most popular aspect of Leeflets. I have quite a few people looking at it as an alternative to a "LinkTree" type of page as well (the Profile template). The real meat and potatoes of what I want to do is still in the works. I'm considering each template as SaaS within a SaaS.
Paul Jarvis
This looks great!
Jason Schuller
@pjrvs Thanks Paul... appreciate your support. The Book template I mentioned is almost done by the way.
Liam McKay
Big fan of what you've been working on here. I think the pricing is great and obviously the templates look beautiful, look forward to seeing more!
Jason Schuller
@liammckay Thanks Liam... always appreciate your feedback.
Clayton Parker
Another awesome idea man! I have a podcast that this will be perfect for!
Jason Schuller
@unclejessy4real Thanks as always Clayton. Let me know what you're looking for regarding a podcast page. Would love to dial that in for you.
Jake Hawkes

I am looking forward to seeing how people leverage the existing layout for their needs and know Jason is exceptional at producing designs that inspire!


Really well organized onboading process to get your page designed and running fast with a professional layout.



Grace S
i like this :) will try it