carlos whitt

Leo - v2 / ephemeral group photo chat w/ text that last 24 h


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Kevin Li
@carlos is hella legit
carlos whitt
CEO Leo here, @austin_broyles and I created Leo. Hit us up about anything!
Ryan Hoover
Awww yeah! Welcome, @car1os, and congrats on the v2 launch. In this morning's email, I shared some other anonymous-based social apps (Secret, Shortwave, WUT, Popcorn Messaging, and Viddme). What do you think is the driver of this trend?
carlos whitt
Thanks for the welcome @rrhoover. Lots of factors but to summarize: overexposure atrophy, desire for authenticity, PRISM fallout, etc.
Kevin Li
@car1os i get leo but for peeps that dont, what's the one guiding design philosophy that you guys are trying to double down on?
carlos whitt
@liveink less is more. the trick is figuring exactly what the "less" is. our goal is to create something that is lightweight and fun and mimics RL with intimacy created/enhanced through authentic conversations with your friends.
Kevin Li
Josh Elman
Phones are now just "Communicators". And wanting to do it fast, with more content, and creating the right groups to share with is powerful. I'm in a couple Leo groups that are super active and it's hella fun.
Kevin Li
^ this