Every day you are sent 5 GitHub users to follow. If you follow them in 24 hours, then you will be featured to other users too. If you miss it, that's okay. As soon as you follow them the bot will add you back to the featured list.
I found it really hard to gain new followers on GitHub or discover passionate programmers to follow and stay in touch with. That's why I made this completely free and open source Telegram bot over a weekend on pure Python (haven't caught all the bugs yet).
Everyday you are sent 5 users to follow. If you follow them in 24 hours, you will be featured on the next day. This means that, roughly speaking, in 10 days you may gain 50 new followers without any registration. But the more users we have, the more followers each user gets!
Bot Username: @GitHub_Follow_Bot
Link: https://t.me/GitHub_Follow_Bot
GitHub: https://github.com/IndexStorm/Gi...
Technology: Python 3.7 using aiogram, aiosqlite, aiohttp.