LetsVenture enables startups looking to raise seed / angel money to create investment ready profiles online, and connect to accredited Investors.
We also allow startups to get their business plans reviewed by our experts as well as connect to mentors.
Once a startup has verbal commitments from investors, we help them in the funding closure process through our Commitment-to-Closure package. The package takes care of closure of term sheet & shareholders agreement, and complete legal & financial due diligence!
All this and more at LetsVenture – Startup Funding made easy!
The Signup experience is not so good :/ The concept is great, but in my opinion, there are some caveats such as, being able to signup directly in your mobile and not bring up a web link.
Now when redirected to the website in order to signup, the process is tedious, there are too many form fields, and no way to sign up using my facebook profile. I know there's a LinkedIn, but I really don't want to share my LinkedIn profile.
After hitting submit, there's no way to tell that there's an error, I need to scroll all the way up and find the field that happened to be wrong, in this case it was my LinkedIn profile URL, which I don't know which one you guys looking for, since I tried with https//... and without, with www and without, and just the profile name, but no luck, there's no form helpers of any kind. Again, this is why the user experience for a mobile app needs to keep contained in the app since clearly, the signup form you guys have is not mobile ready.
If you need a UI expert, hit me up ;)
@antonio_bologna Thanks Antonio for your valuable feedback. The signup process for startups is still on the web and not in the native app. This is in our backlog. Would love to get in touch, please write to me at sanjay@letsventure.com
@sanjay_jha I agree with @antonio_bologna@letsventure - I think a key feature of your product is going to be demonstrating that it can work. So the home page / landing page should list the start-ups raising money and how much money they have raised / how many people are viewing them (softer metrics in the absence of harder ones).
I like the idea though.
@mlsj1 We are the largest platform for equity funding for startups in India. In the last three years of operation, we have funded over 90 startups and USD 38M raised. The mobile app has been designed for the needs of the angel investors on the move and having pockets of free time during his/her busy day. Matchmade startups, realtime chat with founders and funding news updates within the app coupled with our intimate experience of angel investing in India is making the app very attractive. Not to mention, the app is also built for the startup founders and getting them connected with the angel and institutional investors. We are heavily focussed on doing the seed and angel funding for the Startups in India and it will always be that way.
The mobile interface isn't very pretty. The navigation top bar with the subcategories make it a little more confusing to navigate. Also, there's not really a defined color palette for the app. It's just pale blue, grey, and white.
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The 25 Days of Ideas
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Let's Venture
Let's Venture