
LetsLunch - Do more with your lunch hour. Meet new people.


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Tori Bunte
It's neat to peruse who's signed up in your area. This one looks like a winner:
Syed Shuttari
Hey All, I'm the founder. Idea behind the new LetsLunch app is to enhance your networking experience. You can directly connect your calendar and swipe photos of people to an available spot. Rather than swipe right say yes and then open a tetris game of when are you available and when am i available. Love to hear your feedback on what else can be done to make it fast for you. To help you lineup your lunch/coffee slots with new people or catchup with friends.
Erik Torenberg
@syedshuttari @alexschiff has had awesome experiments with this :)
Everette Taylor
I hope people don't say this is "Tinder for Lunch Dates" - this is genuinely great idea in my eyes. Recently went to SF and one of my favorite parts about getting out of the OC was being able to connect/network with people with shared interests. Seems like a super awesome app, congrats @syedshuttari
Jason Comely
Great (domain) name. Sticky.
Darren J Smith
I used to have a similar thing on my 'ideas' list: Lnchtm Date. Ha! Weaving something new into an already established daily routine is a nice trick...
Syed Shuttari
@darrenux Exactly! kill two pigs with one bird!
Syed Shuttari
Thanks @Everette for the compliment. Yes seriously we made sure to avoid the T word.
Ulises I. Orozco
@syedshuttari Congrats. Really like the concept :)
Bram Taylor
Love this idea - wish I lived in SF to try it out!