Alexander Isora 🦄

Go Here - Set off for a journey in only 10 seconds ✈️

Go Here is the fastest way to find a place to travel. Grid-based navigation makes the search very easy! The app contains the most amazing places on our planet. You will find a catchy video, a short description of the place and a cheap ticket.

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Andrew Alekseev
Hi, Product Hunters! Before launching Go Here on Product Hunt, we have come a long way. Hundreds of hours of brainstorming and development, participation in VK Hackathon, Hack Moscow finals and liters of coffee ☕️ Part of our team at VK Hackathon 2019 Before we talk about Go Here, let's get to know our team. In the beginning, we were four developers who sometimes attended hackathons. Like everyone else we dreamed of creating something cool. Time and again, we participated in hackathons, but we had never became winners. Why not? That's the same question we asked ourselves. Yes, we know how to write code. Yeah, we do it fast. But there was still something missing... It was by accident that we met Andrei, he is a very cool UI/UX designer. One evening we chatted with him on different topics and touched on our unsuccessful projects. We showed him one of our projects, which had only a console interface. "Um... "Where do you press? I don't understand that at all." 💥 Exactly! 💥 Why didn't we think about interface, about product, about how the users will interact with our app? That night our team became one person more. That night. Back to Go Here ❤️ Have you ever searched for a place to go for your next vacation? Seen these sites with tons of filters and settings? This is a disaster. Come to think of it, how do you choose a destination for a journey? Usually you see a beautiful photo or video somewhere on Instagram or YouTube and think "Wow! I'm definitely going to this place". Or your friend tells you about his crazy trip to Bali last summer and it catches you. Do you see what we mean? 🙂 And so, we present Go Here! 🎉 Go Here is the fastest way to find a place to travel. It's really that easy. The whole app is a collection of short videos about the most exciting and colorful places on our planet 🌏 Column - is a category in the grid of video clips. And a row is a set of places within a category. Do you like beaches? Okay, keep swiping horizontally. No, switch to what's good for you. With such navigation it is very easy to switch between categories, it is enough a swipe. There's not much to tell. Just try it for yourself!
Alexander Isora 🦄
Go Here is a perfect example of an app that has a cool interface as the main feature. The team did more than polished transitions and smooth shadows - they reinvented the search. The app inspired me a lot because I believe a pleasure-giving interface can be a part of a product and add significant value to it. This particular UI not just does the job - it also makes you smile. You want to use it more and more. Excellent job, team!
Danial Siddiki
Lit 🔥 Good luck!
Mars H
Super exciting product, can't wait to give this a try, good job team!
Daniel Dhawan
Finally someone took all the pain out of finding where to travel! It's best for situations when you don't know where to go and have a limited budget I really liked visa and time filters, and just discovered a cheap trip to London Also, it has the most beautiful design, which makes you want to travel even more 😍
Okii Eli
Looks great! Add Nairobi Kenya too
Marc Baiges Camprubí
love the UI! Congrats on the launch.
CriptoItaTrade CIT
Well a traveler myself i thinknthis is a very cool invention!!! 😁
Ritwik Sarkar
How to contact app developer ??
Wesley Francis
Where do you source the videos etc I imagine the destinations are limited?
Justin Kook
Very intuitive to use and easy to navigate. If only my departure city was on the filter.
you couldn't have picked a worst time to launch your traveling app. Good job, bad execution... #jesusChrist
amro alfares
Great UI and very easy to use, keep going
Vitalii Vashchuk
I've just downloaded the app. It really looks like an interesting concept.
Downloaded the app. Looks cool. I assume that you guys are just integrated to aviasales at the moment. Are you planning to get integrated to other platforms?