Eithiriel DeMerè

LINER for iOS - The only private web highlighter with cloud sync 😺☁️️💾


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Jinu Kim
Hey Hunters, We're finally launching "LINER for iOS" on Product Hunt! LINER is a mobile web highlighting app, That helps you highlight and save text on the web :) I find that I'm reading more and more content on my mobile. While I could simply archive the articles that I read, I also want to archive the "sentences" that I fell in love with as well. What articles I read is a personal matter to me, and it's important that I have control over what content goes public. Liner highlights are "private" by default, and you can manually share highlighted pages if you want. You can even share highlighted pages to your friends who don't have LINER installed :0 Check out the highlighted version of " The brilliant mechanics of Pokémon Go | TechCrunch" http://getliner.com/21peT Communicating ideas online is difficult. Sometimes you have no idea why your friends+coworkers+goldfish share articles with you :/ Highlighting lets you point out as important sentences by highlighting specific sentences from a 100 page document!!! We're a productivity obsessed team, that just wants to organize the web. Which is why you can easily export your LINER Highlights into Evernote! Highlight your favorite phrases from WaitButWhy, TechCrunch, Paul Graham's Blog and Wikipedia. Then export your Liner highlights into Evernote with 1-click :) Happy Highlighting~ Jinu from LINER P.S. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions in the comment section. We don't sleep, eat, or blink so your questions should be answered fast enough 0_0
Min Park
@adithya @jinukim21 Hi you had a typo in your email. We fixed your typo. Could you please try again?
Min Park
@adithya @jinukim21 Currently, we're opening up all "Premium" features on mobile for a limited time :)
Jinu Kim
It's been an interesting campaign! Just wanted to answer some questions that arose: 1. LINER is primarily a private highlighting tool. We think highlighting is an innately private activity. That's why we're building a private-highlighting-service over a public-highlighting-service. 2. LINER is a web highlighter that helps you highlight the web, Kindle is for ebooks you own. 3. We're going to add IFTTT integration in the future. 4. We're going to add LINER for Safari in the future :) Happy Highlighting~
Jinu Kim
@adithya @mynhpark In order to promote the iOS app more. We decided to unlock all premium features for a limited time~ Please let me know if you have anymore questions :)
Jinu Kim
@adithya @mynhpark Our team doesn't really eat, sleep, or blink. So your questions will always be answered with haste.
More and more people I know are switching to Safari! I will wait for the Safari extension if it ever comes.
Min Park
@iamdeveloper We're currently developing LINER for Safari. It should be out soon. Ultimately we're going to aggregate highlights from every platform.
Jinu Kim
@iamdeveloper We're currently focusing on Chrome (The most widely used Internet browser). We'll tackle LINER for Safari and LINER for Firefox next!
Brian Woo
@iamdeveloper I'll let you know when LINER for Safari is ready :)
Shahab Shabibi
@wcm0505 @jinukim21 @mynhpark anyway we can get notified once it's out for Safari? Really would start using it but afraid might forget to check
Jinu Kim
@shahab_21 @wcm0505 @mynhpark We'll make a waiting list so people can get notified when LINER for Safari is finished.
Ben Tossell
How does this compare to something like Highly?
Min Park
@bentossell "Highly" is primarily a social network. Your highlights are public by default. "LINER" strives to keep your highlighting as private as possible. Highlighting is innately a private activity. Which is why we give you full control over when you want to share highlighted pages. LINER is a service for you, not for your friends. Here's a blog post outlining our views on privacy vs public: https://medium.com/highlight/the...
Jinu Kim
@bentossell LINER is primarily a private highlighting tool. We only share your highlights when you "manually" press share. Here's an example of a shared page - http://lnr.li/0xMvN
Brian Woo
@bentossell LINER supports PDF files. And you can even share highlighted web pages and pdf files to your friends (even if they don't have LINER installed).
Eithiriel DeMerè
"There’s a lost art of deep-reading when transitioning to digital. The feeling of dragging your finger along pages, the accomplishment of leaving small notes on the edges of pages. A tattered book was the symbol of a well read book. While I would love to carry around three hard-cover books, I find that I’m reading more and more content on my mobile. While you could simply archive the articles that you read, sometimes you want to archive the “sentences” that you fell in love with as well. Highlighting while you read creates a history of sentences that resonated with you. An actually road-map of the words that inspired you. LINER helps bring back deep-reading. We help you remember the most important phrases through highlights, we enable more targeted communication by emphasizing and auto-focusing the screen to select passages, we filter out excessive noise so you can truly focus on what’s important."
Min Park
@nikkielizdemere Special thanks for helping us hunt LINER :)
Jinu Kim
@nikkielizdemere Thanks for hunting LINER, hope your cold gets better!
Brian Woo
@nikkielizdemere Thank you! I deeply appreciate it :)
Andrew Clark
Curious if you have developed the use case for this: I "line" articles and am able to export those to an email OR assemble a list of "lines" that I can then create a digest email for people? Would help in research, reporting, and even e-news distribution.
Min Park
@candrewclark The LINER highlights you made are sent to you in an email reminder. You can also export your highlights to Evernote and email via a link. Here's an example of a highlighted link - http://lnr.li/0xMvN/
Jinu Kim
@candrewclark LINER highlights can be exported to Evernote, email, and messenger. You can also import and highlight your Pocket/Instapaper articles~
Andrew Clark
@jinukim21 so I extend it to an email after export to those services. Gotcha
Jinu Kim
@candrewclark You can share highlighted pages via email by sending your friends a highlighted link like this - http://lnr.li/jVoOE
Min Park
@candrewclark @jinukim21 You can also send highlighted links via messenger. We're going to add Messenger, WhatsApp, and SnapChat integration in the future - http://lnr.li/ay4RV
Graham Gnall
Does this work in Kindle app? I know they may have restrictions on text export. Would be a killer use case on its own.
Min Park
@ggnall Currently, LINER highlights do not work on Kindle. We'll try to make LINER highlights work on Kindle in the future.
Jinu Kim
@ggnall Utlimately we want LINER to work on Kindle, Google Books, and basically everywhere. You can highlight PDF files here - http://getliner.com/upload
Brian Woo
@ggnall Thanks for the reply! I'll let you know when Kindle integration is ready :)
Chris Oslund
Awesome! I have been looking for something like this for so long!
Min Park
@eighttwo_three Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you need any help :)
Jinu Kim
@eighttwo_three LINER was developed out of a personal need. There simply were no suitable highlighting services that synced with the cloud. So we went out to make the best highlighter in the world and Mars.
Brian Woo
@eighttwo_three And just to let you know, it's more powerful to use LINER for iOS and LINER for Chrome together (https://www.producthunt.com/post...)
I interested in IFTTT integration.
Min Park
@uyguntt IFTTT integration is coming soon! Personally I'm looking forward to this integration the most as well!
Jinu Kim
@uyguntt We have IFTTT integration in our to-do-list. We'll try to get through our development process faster.
Brian Woo
@uyguntt Thanks for the reply! I'll let you know when IFTTT integration is ready :)
Tom Vein
Wow! This is just amazingly wonderful to use. I'm a big fan of Diigo and this just blew it away. Can't wait to use it more!
Min Park
@tomvein Good to hear! LINER is more focused on highlighting text on providing a universal highlighting service across all platforms.
Jinu Kim
@tomvein We think Diigo is an amazing service too!
Brian Woo
@tomvein Thanks Tom! Supercharge LINER for iOS by using it with LINER for Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/websto...
Han Kyul Park
Finally an ios version! Hope it's as good as the chrome version! Kudos to the dev team!
Brian Woo
@han_kyul_park Thanks! We'll make LINER for Safari and LINER for Firefox soon!
Jinu Kim
@han_kyul_park Thanks! Personally I use LINER for iOS more than LINER for Chrome!
Min Park
@han_kyul_park LINER for Android will also be amazing~
Larry Zimbler
Min Park
Jinu Kim
Brian Woo
Min Park
@larry_zimbler 😀 Thanks for your support
Larry Zimbler
Can liner highlight Kindle iOS app too?
Min Park
@larry_zimbler Currently, we do not support Kindle. LINER primarily works on websites (Wikipedia, NYT, Medium...) , apps (Flipboard, Twitter, Pocket...), PDF files, and much more.
Jinu Kim
@larry_zimbler We'll try to add Kindle highlight integration in the future :)
Jinu Kim
Highlighting is quite an addictive act. At first highlighting on the web may seem awkward. But once you start highlighting your articles you develop a habit of highlighting while you read. IF read, THEN highlight. We provide a daily dose of highlighting vitamins.
Min Park
@jinukim21 Now I'm automatically highlighting text when I read articles.
Brian Woo
@jinukim21 Highlighting is a kind of art on the web. You can draw lines :)
Jinu Kim
Thanks for all the feedback during this Product Hunt campaign. We'll work towards incorporating your feedback into our future products. It seems that users want LINER for Safari and IFTTT integration.
Brian Woo
@jinukim21 If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to let us know. (contact@getliner.com)
Min Park
@jinukim21 Automated Evernote Exports is something to look forward to.
Jinu Kim
The best products seem like a toy. While Google may know there are 100 pages to index. LINER knows there are 100 pages to index and 927 sentences people are interested in.
Min Park
@jinukim21 Similar to how each person's fingerprint is different, each person's highlighting pattern is different as well.
Brian Woo
@jinukim21 In the future, AI companies like Google, Amazon will work with LINER.
Jinu Kim
There has been an explosion in information and I'm having a harder time remembering. When I highlight a text I get to re-read the text, have the sentence saved to LINER, exported to Evernote, and get reminded in a LINER newsletter. LINER highlights is the ultimate app for memorization. Be smarter. Use LINER.
Min Park
@jinukim21 Personally I'm a big fan of the Evernote Export feature. I export all my highlights to Evernote. So I can use the highlights as a reference to write blog posts.
Brian Woo
@jinukim21 If you guys are interested in Evernote integration in LINER, please read this blog post: (https://medium.com/highlight/eve...)
Jinu Kim
LINER is an app to help you focus. Which is why we didn't choose a flashing thumbnail image that looks like it would cause a seizure.
Min Park
@jinukim21 I'm pretty sure Facebook carved up my concentration years ago. Trying to regain my focus with LINER.
Brian Woo
@jinukim21 This is a joke.
Jinu Kim
About 35 minutes until Product Hunt is over. That was an exciting 24 hours. Finally I get to have some sleep. Feel free to ask us more questions about LINER at contact@getliner.com
Min Park
@jinukim21 @getliner Currently half of the world is asleep. I still find timezones interesting. A large number highlighters are located in USA, England, Japan, China, and Korea.
Brian Woo
@jinukim21 @getliner Hey hunters! If you guys visit Seoul, Korea someday, please feel free to visit our office. Let's chat! (contact@getliner.com)
Jinu Kim
10 years ago I highlighted text in books and now I am highlighting on the web with LINER. What will the next 10 years look like? Perhaps there will be VR/AR highlighting.
Min Park
@jinukim21 It's been so long since I read an actual paperback book. While the merits of an actual book are definite. Books are simply too heavy to carry around.
Brian Woo
@jinukim21 Perhaps there will be an A.I. powered auto-highlighting app as well.
Jinu Kim
One of the goals of LINER is aiding in deep reading. With the advent of mobile and social media, our concentration has been scattered. According to a recent Microsoft study our concentration is even lower than a goldfish. By using highlights, we want to return your attention. Back to you.
Min Park
@jinukim21 I find it hard to read long-form texts in one setting. So I use highlights to bookmark my place in the article.