LinkedIn Lead Extractor extracts data from LinkedIn. This tool can captures contact information such as name, email, business name, address, phone number, websites, messenger ids, skill, and other important information from LinkedIn. Tired of Copying LinkedIn Leads Into Excel Spreadsheets?
If yes "LinkedIn Lead Extractor" is the right choice.
extracts companies profiles from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator. It automatically extracts companies info like LinkedIn profile link, Business Name, Contact info(email, phone number available on google), Company Size, Followers, Website, Industry, company type, Address,name etc. You can export your data in .xlsx, .csv,(opens in excel) .txt files
Tired of Copying Leads from LinkedIn and Recruiter Into Excel Spreadsheets?
If yes, LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor is the right choice saving your time and money. LinkedIn and LinkedIn Recruiter sites are the best source of contact information of professionals. This tool captures contact info like first name, last name, email, phone, twitter, skills