Eric Willis

LinkedIn 9.0 - New LinkedIn iOS & Android app w/ new messaging & search


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Ryan Hoover
Traditionally, LinkedIn's been a very transactional experience -- you go there to update your job description, hunt for a new career, accept requests, etc. -- but over the past few years they've invested curating and creating content to become a daily source for news and learning. Their acquisition of Pulse in 2013 was a strong step toward that direction. It's a wise strategy and the new mobile app prominently promotes this content. I'm curious what others think. Do you regularly visit LI to discover and read the news?
Erik Torenberg
@rrhoover also acquisition of Lynda re: being *the* place for all professional development. Curious if they have any other M&A plans in the works, especially with more and more startups in the recruiting (e.g hired) and career advice (The Muse) space.
Ryan Hoover
@eriktorenberg I forgot about the Lynda acquisition! I noticed they have a section dedicated to it in the mobile app.
Sarthak Grover
@rrhoover I do find myself visiting LI regularly, often to discover articles being shared by those in my network, lot of fluff sometimes but often I find some interesting reads. Feels like 90% of the time they are either gimmicky like 'Why I left my job and walked the Earth for 7 days" or the usual tech blogs buzz of what I already would have read on Twitter. It is the remaining 10% that I look forward to.
Spencer Lanoue
@rrhoover I rarely find useful content on LinkedIn. And it's definitely not a place I go to discover and read the news. I mainly use LinkedIn to do research on people, and to provide others with the info they're looking for when they're researching me.
Ativ Patel
@eriktorenberg interesting partnerships with DiDi (Uber competitor) as well that's gone pretty under the radar.
Mike Orren
Linkedin is a network, not a content source. Most usage is transactional, and every iteration of the app makes that harder to achieve, masking the chief value. There is little value-add in the content feed, so let's try to force it by making it front and center. When my core usage pattern of a service becomes: "Go to Google and type in [person name] LinkedIn," something has gone terribly wrong. Aesthetically, this is a decent redesign. Functionally, is a step back from an already cruddy app. (I'm harsh because I love LinkedIn, and it keeps disappointing me...)
Mohsen Khalkhali
@mikeorren I think the fact that they moved the messages to the centre is a great redesign as many people connect there first before moving the relationship to email and face to face. Do you agree?
Mike Orren
@mossibat I totally disagree. I use LinkedIn almost daily, but I've never connected with anyone there first, or via a content post. It's fine if they want to try to bring that forward-- it just seems they could do so without harming the UX on the primary use case.
Tyler Hayes
@mikeorren "Linkedin is a network, not a content source." For you, yes. But just look around LinkedIn Pulse and there is a massive content repository & engine, and at minimum tens if not hundreds of thousands of people distributing & engaging with the content. I know it blows a lot of minds in Silicon Valley but LinkedIn 20 miles outside of San Francisco is a pretty powerful resource for a lot of people, beyond just updating their CV.
Loic Le Meur
Been playing with the new app it's really good. Feels a lot like Facebook with LinkedIn content in it and I can finally easily access comments and likes on my own posts and reply to people. Very well executed. I noticed I'm getting traction with my posts on LinkedIn which is new.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
The new update — taking significant inspiration from Facebook and Tinder — seems like a big shift to get people to use LinkedIn more as a destination-social network... and may be a move against Slack and Facebook for Work, among others. The emphasis on messaging as a core feature is significant too, given that they've traditionally (and possibly illegally) been heavily reliant on email as a core element of its platform. By moving messaging into the core experience, they're trying to stay relevant as more time spent drifts to FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and Slack. Very interesting to consider these changes in that broader context...
Brenton Shafer
@chrismessina I think you're totally on point in considering their move toward becoming more of a social network and messaging being core. Interesting you think they have inspiration from Tinder, though, how so?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@chrismessina in this specific ui, not sure how much we were directly inspired by tinder but we wanted a lightweight interaction model to breeze through the content in a way that was distinct from the network building content underneath it. lots of iteration and user research here by our design team ... would fully expect it to evolve as we learn more about how our members engage with it and how effective it is in helping them grow and nurture their professional relationships. do you find it useful and effective?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@markhull I wouldn't argue with the intuitiveness of the Tinder-swipe; it is efficient and very touch-friendly... I kind of wish I could swipe to an action though... The "Say congrats" pre-fill feels... formulaic? Could that be more organic somehow?
@chrismessina completely agree. lots more coming here, and more ways to authentically interact with the people in your network. launch day is only a mile marker on a really long marathon. keep the feedback coming PH friends. 😀
Daniel Burke
Mostly, I love the new design. One huge black eye the "Endorsements" that are taking up 80% of my screen on the "Me" tab, as they have come in as "Notifications". This is a huge mistake IMO. When I think "Me", I think if my profile and I want to go to my profile and see it. I would rather see "Notifications", especially those spamming endorsements, in the "My Network" tab. Otherwise, it's a vast improvement over the previous version. I absolutely LOVE the Quick replies in messaging. This'll really save time, as I hate being rude to recruiters, but I don't really have time to kindly respond to them all.
Anders Kravis
Will be interesting to see how much of this carries over to the web interface where messaging is still very much an "inbox". Thinking a FB messenger / slack sidebar is in the works...
Rick Kats
Linkedin, is a cool network (for professional connection), I highly doubt I'll sit on my phone sifting through content on Linkedin: 1. my time is limited and there is so many more sources competing for that time 2. I'll always think of it as my professional resume / networking place. "Oh look Linkedin an amazing professional content discovery place" its definitely not what comes to my mind - great redesign, I still don't see the point past what it is - a professional network for networking - In-fact I never open the app unless they bomb me with notifications :).
Thomas Kimura
Looks much better than the web interface. Definitely going to give this a go.
Harsha Halvi
I hate the web interface one of the reason why i don't use Linkedin and prefer instead. Is 9.0 really the amount of tries it took to come here or is it because of iOS 9 :P ;)
Ouriel Ohayon
looks like a definite improvement compared to the previous one. Feels more alive, light and fluid. I think some sections still take too much space (endorsements). but overall an improvement. finally
Tried it, Hated it, Kept it
Nikesh Masiwal
Much better than previous web-app like interface , having a mix feelings about iOS+Material Design like interface thou
Finally! I've been waiting for this for ever! Really happy about it, well done, love the "tinder" interface
Deleted User
"Do you have trouble getting buzz on Medium, Twitter, or any other popular publishing platform? Well, In all seriousness, I have trouble understanding LinkedIn's moves towards becoming a place for content. It can't compete with Facebook/Twitter/etc for fun stuff, and for industry-related reading Medium is the less-clunky option. Maybe I'm not old enough to understand...