Aaron O'Leary

LinkedIn Live - LinkedIn's new video streaming service, available in US 🇺🇸

LinkedIn Live is a program designed for small-business leaders and local professionals to share their insights on using LinkedIn to drive real business results.

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Aaron O'Leary
Hey Guys, it's only available in the US at the moment, so users are getting redirected, I added a second link where it explains it here: https://www.linkedin.com/help/li...
Muni Perez
It’s unbelievable that a company will spend millions on resources to build such a useless feature, instead of improving what they already have - which sucks in many aspects, by the way.
Vladimir Kusnezow
@munipandita absolutly! I hate using LinkedIn because of the incredibly shitty UI. You never find anything you are looking for, unless you are willing to spend hours to fight through all the ads and shit..
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Finally! A way to spend all these empty hours during my day while also making it look like I'm on the job and networking!
Ali Salah
Wait but why? waitbutwhy.com
Vladimir Kusnezow
Just getting redirected to business.linkedin.com
Aaron O'Leary
Wonder how much growth and usage LinkedIn could possibly see from this with IGTV and FB Live dominating the scene at the moment
Debarati Ghosh
Please share the link. and how it is work?
Wendy Dean
bad link :-(
Tomer Dicturel
was waiting on this product for long time - but there is there anything to see or use or just the PR for now ?
Jason Senter
well there continues to go linkedin...
Babken Karapetyan
Looks interesting
David Sanchez
Lachlan Kirkwood
Can't wait for this! Would also love to see LinkedIn introduce stories this year too!
Jerry Michalski
I see the headline and go, "well, okay...." Then I click on the link and go, "whaaaa??"