Liquidity helps crypto traders find the most liquid exchange to trade on. Our tool simulates orders across +50 exchanges to find the best price. Never overpay for liquidity again.
Hey everyone! Alfonso and Miguel of Liquidity here 👋
After many months of work, we are excited to finally launch the beta of Liquidity on Product Hunt 🚀😌
Liquidity helps crypto traders find the most liquid exchange to trade on.
We started after becoming frustrated by the rampant fake volume across crypto exchanges. It became impossible to rely on volume for exchange selection and since crypto is generally an illiquid market, we found ourselves in a pinch.
With we set out to create a solution for traders that was first of all practical, real-time, and unbiased. Traders can now simulate their order and find the best price with just a few clicks.
Equipped with this information traders can make more informed and profitable trading decisions. We hope this tool moves the needle forward in addressing the fake volume issue and pushes for more open and transparent metrics regarding liquidity in the crypto space.
With you can expect the following data points:
- Exchange rankings by weighted average price(WAP)
- Execution Cost(Slippage)
- Weighted Average Price
- Total Order Size
Excited for all of you to try our tool out! Send us a message if you'd like to see additional features or enjoy the tool 😊