Listle For Writers helps writers drive engagement by turning their written content into audio. They're getting the best authors and offering them narrations of their stories (human-read!). Audiences can then listen through an embedded player.
Very special idea! For people like myself, that have motion sickness and aren't able to read while travelling, I find this very very useful. Thumbs up Listle!
Hi, Product Hunt! 👋🏼 We are Listle (@cristinaibunea, @marianicolae9, @radu_mazilu3, @alexandru_enc) and we’re very excited to launch Listle for Writers on PH.
Listle is an app that allows people to listen to the most interesting articles on the Internet. We’ve been working on this for the past four months and have built a library of 3000+ audio articles, read by real people.
We’ve realised a big portion of the interesting online content is created by writers who publish on platforms like Medium. However, most of that can only be found in written form. With Listle for Writers, we aim to help authors reach a wider audience (such as podcasts listeners), by turning their articles into audio and attaching an embedded player to the story.
You can see an example of what that looks like on some of our current writers’ pages:
If you’re a writer and are interested in having your stories turned into audio, make sure to sign up here:
Happy to hear any feedback / questions you might have! 😊
@cristinaibunea I have been converting my articles with NLP. While the quality isbdecent, clearly it can't compare with humans at this point. Before signing up, I would like to understand how the service works (is it automatized or do I need to send the link to the articles I want to be converted?) and an indicative pricing. Thank you.