Michael Rumiantsau

P0RT4L - Live in the Future for €40/mo. With the Power of Cryonics!

Join the community of time travelers who secured their chance to actually wake up in the future. Our p0rt4l utilizes the power of cryonics to pause the dying process whenever it may happen, using science.

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Arseny Stefanov
Hey PH, and thanks @micrum for hunting us! My name is Arseny, I'm the co-founder of P0RT4L, along with @vetalsmirnov! Let me put this straight: cryonics, or cryopreservation - is the most promising practice humanity has today to overcome death. Any patient on which the medicine of today gives up actually has a chance to be resuscitated - by the doctors and tech of the future. We just have to stop the dying process using the subfreezing temperatures. No, the cells of our body don't break apart when cooling down - because cryonics procedures don't involve actually freezing people, they aim to vitrify the body (using cryoprotectants - the same tech now routinely used for embryos preservation and organ transplantation for example). You can learn more about the cryonics procedures here: https://www.p0rt4l.com/cryonics?... The idea of our startup came along when we first learned how few people have actually signed up for cryonics. It doesn't seem rational - despite not being able to "unfreeze" and resuscitate the patients of today, there's a great chance that the revival may be possible anytime in the future. Nanotechnology and other future medical technologies are expected to have very broad capabilities. I truly believe it’s not fair that people from around the world have to be irreversibly wiped out of existence, just because they didn’t know they already have a real chance not to. I think it’s in our hands to change this unfairness globally. At P0RT4L, we started off with Europe by partnering with a few companies to accelerate the scientific progress and to handle cryopreservation procedures. Our ±€40/month Cryoclient plan is available for everyone in the EU, while our €4.99/month Cryocurious plan is international! For both plans, you'll get access to our community (members fascinated by the future with a combined wealth of $7M+) and our accessories (with emergency contacts of any cryocompany you choose), but insurance coverage is only available on the Cryoclient plan. If you happen to die - you'll be cryopreserved ASAP, and will have a real chance to wake up in the future. The fund under our control will keep generating a lot of cash to fund your preservation and future revival, and if you decided to entrust some of your money to our management - we'll keep reinvesting the profits to grow your wealth; for as long as you'd like. We're looking forward to seeing you among our early adopters and being on the verge of progress with us! https://www.p0rt4l.com/#communit... What's the chance of cryonics working, in your opinion?
Michael Rumiantsau
This is the most mind-blowing product I ever hunted 🤯
Marin Adendall
Death is what allows equity for new life.
Arseny Stefanov
@peppereddirt but why do we resuscitate people on the edge of death then?
Sri Varun Nitish
Not "just another product" you come across🤯
Anastasia Moroz
Like the vision!
Pavel Fakanov
Love the idea! Subscribed!
Yan Sidyakin
Are there any existing examples of reanimation of living tissue?