Live speed limit alerts - avoid police traps and speeding tickets
Real time voice alerts based on "actual" speed limits.
Priyanka Gotika
Slacker — Never show up as idle on Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc
Slacker moves your mouse pointer for you whenever you are idle - the result is that you always show as active on any corporate/office instant messaging tools (like Slack or Microsoft Teams) running on your work computer.
Sandeep Acharya
Does it really matter to be online always? If it is mandatory by any company, then I would rather join another company.
Luke Oslizlo
If someone is spending time on monitoring if you are constantly online, then I guess you aren’t the one wasting time
Cecelia Green
Sneaky idea for when you're feeling unproductive. I quite like the idea, but it would probably breed bad habits.
Sai V
Just the app i was looking for. Have an issue with Skype for Business, where no one can ping me after an idle time. This app helps me overcome that issue.
Tadas Labudis
This is a horrible idea for all parties involved - the employee, the company and the colleagues.
I think this is a great idea for when you want a cup of coffee
JM pruski
hahah definitely not sharing this with my boss
haritha p
Quite Helpful.