Live The Questions - Bootlegging tapes, telling stories, and the virtue of questions
A conversation with Michael Sacca.
Akash Sharma 💭

Live The Questions - #5 - The Forgotten Art of Taking The Long Cut — A conversation with Drift's Dave Gerhardt

Akash Sharma 💭
The days are deft at descending. Rains can be callous. Given the immensity of time, a lot can go against one’s wishes. But that doesn’t matter. The awnings are plenty. So are the muddy boots. Discoveries are made. Epic poems are penned. There’s always a place for those who’re willing to show up, and put in the work. Year in. Year out. Today’s guest has become a known name in the SaaS circles owing to his work over the last 10 months or so. But these 10 months owe themselves to the last 10 years. From wanting to be an NBA player, to the PGA tour, and then listening to and working closely with people that he admired, in companies like Constant Contact, Privy, and HubSpot, Dave Gerhardt has stuck with the principle of taking the long cut.