
Typing Speed Test - A simple typing test to see how fast you can type


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Maxim Ananov
There should be a share result button. I want to brag about my CPM :D
I noticed you can only share if you have a lower score and not a high score (76 wpm)
Filip Jaskólski
@pointum @justawebguy @merraysy @angeliqueangiea Guys, you are absolutely right – showing share buttons only for certain results was a dumb move. Just got them back! 🙏 🎉
Filip Jaskólski
Hi there! Just wanted to drop a few lines about this little project. It turns out that typing speed matters within the customer service industry. We've noticed a pretty tight correlation between customer satisfaction and response times when using live chat. When digging a bit deeper, we learned that typing skills are one of the key factors that come up during interviews for customer service positions. We wanted to learn more about typing habits and provide a tool which will help to improve them. That's how we ended up with this fun side project. Enjoy and let us know your scores!
Ross Currie
@filipjaskolski Been a while since I've had to type fast! After a few tries I seem to be capping at 108wpm with 98-99% accuracy (Microsoft Basics Black keyboard). I seem to recall I used to be up around the 120-130 range. Definitely trips you up a bit if you type a wrong letter, as it can be tricky to get back on with the word list... the American spellings of things got me a couple times too. Guess there's something interesting there around the way my brain translates the word into my head, bfeore I type it.
@filipjaskolski I really like it! @rossdcurrie I am around 60 wpm, but I would like to know if you have any tips for getting my speed even higher? Or is it just talent? 😃
Ross Currie
@margaret_hutchins Not sure I have any real advice to offer sorry, other than "learn to touch type and then adapt it to your own style". Honestly, 108wpm was me typing like my life depended on it, and the main thing was reading ahead of what you're actually typing. I could hit it consistently, but my hands were already sore after a minute - I used to get really bad RSI. I ran through a couple times at my more normal speed and I was sitting around 80wpm. I think keyboard comes into play as well. Most notebooks these days have those Mac-style chiclet keyboards that I absolutely hate. The MS Basic one has a reasonably nice feel, considering it's literally a budget OEM Microsoft keyboard, but I really want to get one of the Matias Tactile Pro keyboards
Filip Jaskólski
@rossdcurrie That's impressive! ⚡It's almost 3 times faster than the standardised average (which is 40-41wpm). As for the input mechanism: I agree, it may be disrupting sometimes. I spent quite some time figuring out the best layout for the test. First of all, there are lot of these on the Internet and I wanted to create something different 😉. Secondly, whole thing should be about typing, with reading time reduced to a minimum. Those are the main two reasons why the prompt line and the input field are aligned into one row. After couple of experiments, this approach worked pretty well – you could keep your eyes only at one point and focus on typing. Kind of the same mechanism as used for Spritz ( – if you hadn't yet, check it out, it's awesome). It backfired in disruptive correction flow, so I decided to keep things simple and limit user to correct only one, currently editing word (the spacebar/enter is the headsman). So the one-row layout and centered input field are there to reduce reading time and allow the user to focus entirely on typing 😎. As well as big, serif font (it's usually easier for our eyes to distinguish serif typefaces). Also good point on the spellings. Noted to bring some new sets of words to the table!
@margaret_hutchins you know how they say "practice makes perfect"? Well, if it were true, we would be typing faster and faster everyday because we type everyday! The key to improving typing, sports, memory is to challenge yourself to the next level. So, in this case, if you're at 60 WPM, use a typing tutor and set the speed at 70WPM, once you conquer that, do 80WPM and so on.
Antonis Tsagaris
I had fun using this. It'd be great if it gave some comparison stats, like eg. saying "you're in the top 5%" or something! Otherwise, great job.
Filip Jaskólski
@antonis_tsagari Yup, I left this one for the times "when I have enough results in the database". Well, It's now like 100k individual tests, so I guess it's high time to do this 😅. Thanks!
William S Huxley
So needs a share button! Why not let us brag! 78 words per minute for me :D
I noticed you can only share if you have a lower score and not a high score (76 wpm)
Filip Jaskólski
@williamshuxley My bad. @angeliqueangiea got it right, the share buttons were not always available. Fixed already, enjoy! 🚀
@filipjaskolski thanks a lot 😀. I love the typing test.
Miles Richardson
I curled the stats endpoint and it looks like someone already got a bot to score 505 wpm, 360 times!
Filip Jaskólski
@milesrichardson Nice catch! It was my colleague, who wanted to break it, and he did 😡. But the lesson was learned and actions were taken, now it is not that easy to hack it. Thanks for reminding me to throw those out from the database!
James O'Sullivan
Engineered marketing is great because we get to get cool free tools like this! :)
Filip Jaskólski
@james_osullivan That's right! And from the other side – we get to spend time on some fun side projects and call it work 👼 😉.
Peter Frank
Is this where we brag? 116 WPM (505 CPM) 96% accuracy :)
Would love to see some rhythm game elements - like score streaks or visual cues when a word is completed👽 🎮
Filip Jaskólski
@jess3 Certainly! Visuals are the fun part, need to find a moment to work on them 😬. Do you have some particular ideas in mind? I'd love to hear them 🐙!
@filipjaskolski Visuals could focus on the cursor to not draw attention away from typing. Perhaps a slightly thicker cursor that becomes 'hotter' visually as the word/letter streak goes up 👾 A visual or sound that make pressing space really gratifying would also rock 🍔
Filip Jaskólski
@jess3 This is awesome, totally doing this at the weekend 🔥!
Arla Xhaxho
100 with 100% accuracy!
Ravi Srinivasan
The bots are now taking over and, powered by AI, raising the bar higher for human operatives. Interesting project, nevertheless.
Filip Jaskólski
@ravsydney This is an excellent point. With all this hype for conversational interfaces – maybe instead of making them the fastest, let's actually *delay* the responses from bots!☝️But seriously: I'm curious what is the average typing speed for bots?
Raja Simon
Looks awesome... & Practicing. Can you add option to enable sound while typing ( hacker like )
Filip Jaskólski
@rajasimon Love the idea – noted 🎶!
Alex Panagis
I got 85 words per minute. Want to increase it to 100 :)
Mohammed Erraysy
57 WPM here, happy you said that I type like a pro :D, lovely tool good luck.
Amol Patil
Simple and neat. 64WPM with 95% accuracy.
Marcel Panse
84. Now I want to reach 90 :-)
Filip Jaskólski
@marcelpanse Go for it! 🚀
Jérémy Macq
98 and 100, but english ain't my native language. Please guys, bring us some international (french at least) ! :-)
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