Kevin William David

QR Code Generator by Logaster - QR code for your business within seconds

Now you can create QR-Code with Logaster in no time. All you need to do is just:
- Type the name of the company or brand
- Choose a business field
- Insert a link you want to share
- Select the QR-code style and click Download.

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Ihor Volkov
Hello everyone! I am glad to inform you that our team is launching a new product. This is a Free QR-Code Generator. With our tool you can create a QR-Code in a few seconds. All you have to do is 1. Fill out the online form: indicate the name of the company. 2. Select a field of activity from the drop-down list. 3. Copy and paste a link to a website or a page on a social network into the field. 4. Select the encrypted data format (website / social network or text). 5. Select the style of the QR code (without the company name or with the name). 6. Click the "Create" button. In a split second, a QR code will be generated and available in the right field. You can get it in .png format by clicking the "Download" button. Let us know what you think!
Victor G. Björklund
Why the industry question? Seems like an unnecessary question. Or maybe I'm missing something.
@victorbjorklund you can create a logo from your industry and combine it with qr code
Andriy Kozak
Easy but reliable. Nice to see another good product. Looking forward to updates.
Ihor Volkov
@andriy_kozak2 Thank you! In the near future, we will start working on improving and introducing new functions into our product. Your comment inspires us with renewed vigor =)
Mike Alon
@ihor_22 I tried to make QR-Code, everything worked out. Easy and fast. As described above. Thank you!
Ihor Volkov
@new_user_75a47fb398 Thank you very much. We are very glad that you like our tool.
Emily Timberstone
Great and easy to use tool.
Ihor Volkov
@emily_timberstone Thank you very much, we are pleased =)
Sara Hudges
Really love the idea and how simple the tool is. Smooth UI and the fact you can do the QR code with or without the brand name makes it understandable and easy to use. Simple, fast, clear. Good Job!
Ihor Volkov
@sara_hudges Thank you. It's nice that you appreciated the functionality of our tool. Hope it helped you!
Anatoliy Riabyi
Great! Easy to use)
Maria Leal
I’m actually looking for a QR code generator but I need something for long term. Will this always be free?
Ihor Volkov
@marialeal Yes, we have released an exclusively Free tool. Therefore, you can use it in the future =)
Edwin Kys
I love this. This is very nice and simple. I had worked on something similar with this but I'm glad that you make this a web app and make it accessible to everyone. Thank you for the wonderful tool.
Ihor Volkov
@edwinkys Thank you very much. We are very pleased!
Shivam Ramphal
Really easy to use, I mean it's literally a 1 step thing lol 🔥🔥🔥
Ihor Volkov
@shivam_ramphal Thanks, we really appreciate your opinion!
Justin Chitla
Awesome idea team! Will check this out.
Ihor Volkov
@justinchitla Thank you very much. I would like to hear your feedback.
Kevin David
Congrz and best of luck on your launch.
Ihor Volkov
@kevin_david_k Thank you very much!