Craig Barber

Startup Logo Archive - The original logos your favourite startups launched with


Startup Logo Archive is a gallery of original launch logos your favourite startups went to market with.

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Edward Vasquez
interesting, but very few logos
Craig Barber
@edwardvasquezdr Hey Edward, thanks for you input. It was surprising when I was researching this, many of the most popular startups haven't changed their logo at all or very little. YouTube is an example for one, they pretty much have the same logo they launched with. I guess with this I wanted to showcase the ones that changed dramatically : )
Mohamed Marwen Meddah
@craigjbarber YouTube's logo actually changed in 2017 😉
Craig Barber
@mmm Wow! You're right. Thanks for pointing that out : )
Kyle Alwyn
Awesome, very nostalgic. Would be cool to see a side by side with the current logo
Chris Frantz
I love these! I like how the Firefox logo was apparently a goose.
Craig Barber
@frantzlight Ha ha yeah Dragon Goose! : )
Mohamed Marwen Meddah
@frantzlight @craigjbarber When it first came out, it was called Phoenix, then Firebird, then settled on Firefox; hence the logo :)
Greg Garnhart
Interesting! Crazy to see how far these logos have come. (Thank goodness they have..)
Craig Barber
@ggarnhart That's it hey, comforting to see they didn't nail it right off the bat really. Iterate. Iterate. Iterate.
Wesley Forlines
What can we do to get Amazon to replace their hideous a-z smile with this original?
Craig Barber
@wesleyforlines Ha ha... you can sort of see where they were going with their first one. Amazon river right up the middle I guess.
Product Pearson
I love how PayPal's logo has changed so much
Yoav Cosiol
Not very useful but cool! Should add logo evolution over time and more companies
Anna Filou
Page no longer exists? Or just me?
Craig Barber
@anna_0x Hey Anna! I was just doing some updating, it's back up now - with even more logos, check it out at:
Craig Barber
Ever seen the very first Amazon logo? Wonder what Twitter's branding looked like when it first launched? You may be surprised. The Startup Logo Archive is a gallery of the very first logos your favourite startups went to market with when they launched. Enjoy.
Matthew Tso
Google’s logo transformation is the best
Nadia Hitman
So cool! It be great to see the old and new together
chris skillicorn
Nice, a fun little resource to help see how much some of the biggest companies in the world have changed their visual language. Google was straight outta ClipArt, an you can see how once Amazon realised they had the ability to visualise "from A to Z" within their logo, the river of their namesake got consigned to the dustbin of history.
Craig Barber
How folks! I've updated the Startup Logo Archive with even more logos! There are now 28 in total. You can check them all out here: