One night over dinner a friend mentioned he'd been falling asleep with audiobooks📱📖💬
I asked him how he paused it when he fell asleep😴⏸❓
He said he didn't… 😱
We talked sleep timers⏲💤
And agreed they're lacking🙅
You never know how long falling asleep will take, and resetting wakes you back up… ⏲🔁😳
I felt bummed and "wanted my Mom!"👵
When she read bedtime stories she'd save the place when I fell asleep 📖👵💬…😴…📘👵
Introducing SnoozeCast📖📱💬…😴…📘📱⏸
A "New & improved!" snooze timer✨⏲✨💤
It plays on a 5 minute timer that slowly quiets in it's last minute🔊🔉🔈⏸
If you're awake when the volume lowers just knock on your phone to reset✊👊📱
That's a pretty long version already, but if you want the unabridged version of the story
Better than the unabridged story😉 are the 40+ classics that come with SnoozeCast thanks to LibriVox!
@benwtnb I may be mistaken but I think Audible does something where it turns off if you fall asleep - although I'm yet to try it and don't know how it works.
I do like the idea of listening to audiobooks before going to sleep. Often when I can't get to sleep I end up picking up my phone and reading or flicking through apps which no doubt keeps me awake longer.
@bentossell Audible has the basic sleep timer where you can set a fixed time, and then have to reset it manually.
I'm definitely tempted to do the same with apps, but think the non-linear nature of the internet/apps + blue light are no good for getting to sleep.
@ibaard Awesome! Hope that you might find a gem from LibriVox's library, there's some great classic books included free thanks to their open source initiative!
This is awesome! I love that you've pre-loaded the app with a few free audiobooks from Librivox and a couple podcasts. But how do we add our own? I like @playswithfood's suggestion about New Yorker fiction (definitely something that could put me to sleep) and I really want to try out @benwtnb's "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" (though that will probably be too stimulating to sleep to).
@eliservescent Hey EJ! Thanks for stopping by 😃 Audiobook content includes a few dozen books of the great classics from Librivox, and we'll be adding more books in the public domain in future releases. Any podcasts you *download* to the stock Apple Podcasts app will show up in SnoozeCast, ready to play!
@benwtnb@playswithfood That's why nothing's showing up in my app - I gave up on podcasts because I can't listen at work while I'm writing (words ⍯ words) & don't have a long enough commute to make it worth the trouble of putting in earbuds (woe is me, I know). But bedtime is the perfect time for story time (:
Really neat to see products being built specifically for the podcasting use case. @arturkiulian makes a great point about the creative sensor use. Congrats @playswithfood and @benwtnb on releasing the app.
@matthartman I'd use it to fall asleep to part 2 of the Banshee Wines discussion on Doing Your Business (, but I'd rather be sharp and taking notes when listening to your Podcast, Matt 😉
My go-to podcast for this app is Fiction from the New Yorker: This is a hidden treasure, as are all the other New Yorker podcasts. Especially good if you're keeping your daily news consumption to a minimum but wan't to stay up to date with what's going on.
@melisamonteee, a beta tester, gave us the great suggestion to add in ASMR playlists as well, and I found a great one at that I'm trying out this week with interesting results. Thanks Melissa!
Finally, by far the most unique one I've found is Sleep With Me (, where the speaker purposefully rambles on about a boring topic to lull you to sleep 😂 It does what is aims to and succeeds at taking your mind off of the day 😊
Have been participating in beta, love the creative use of sensors to keep the app awake, even though I'm not a nightly listener I like the idea and may use it when I'm traveling and stuck in lonely hotels with some good podcast to keep me warm :)
Good job guys!
@arturkiulian Thanks for helping us out in the beta! What podcasts are you thinking to fall asleep to?
"Harry Potter & The Methods of Rationality" is a great fan-fiction podcast for falling asleep to, if you're as childish as me Not sure I could fall asleep to Joe Rogan as much as I enjoy his podcast!
@mkaroumi Hope that the anticipation doesn't make the time pass slower on your Compass⌚️! Please let us know how falling asleep goes and what we can do to improve your 😴
I am late, late, late commenting on this app, but: It's awesome. I like zoning out to music or books as I fall asleep, and none of the snooze modes in other apps work very well. SnoozeCast works super-well, super-simply, and I love that the initial book cohort is composed of first-rate classics (a) many of which I've read before, but merit revisiting, and (b) lend themselves to liminal states, launching the mind off into thoughtful, sleepy orbits. A+
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