Easily record and share videos
Eric Willis
Loom — Seamless screen, mic, and camera recording for Chrome

jake duncan ☕️
like Screencastify with unlimited recording time? Sweet!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@jkdncn yep! :-)
Tom Limongello

Generally a pencil tool, though flexible is too hard to use and doesn't look good no matter how good you get at wielding it. I would likely not use the pencil tool for external communications - that would only suffice for internal explanations, not professional demos.


I like that all the tools-screencasting, video camera, markup and link sharing are all rolled into one.


The markup tool doesn't have shapes, only a pencil.

Nice! Are these video pages findable only by those who have the shared link? Meaning, they aren't indexed by search engines? Also, is there any way of deleting videos?
Thelle Christensen
Love the pitch, but can't get it to work.. Seems to be a Chrome permissions problem..
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@thellek hey there! Sorry to hear that this has been your experience. :-\ Email me at vinay@opentest.co, and I'll get you set on your way.
Kolby Bothe
I love it, great job guys!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@kolbybothe thank you Kolby!
Awesome project! I've been looking for something like this for quite a long time. The use case I wanted it for is short demos of pull requests - eg. walk the other engineers through the feature that this PR covers. One additional thing that would also be great is export to gif... because gifs!!!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@vesln awesome use case! Created a quick response video. :-) https://www.opentest.co/share/76...
@vhmth haha awesome response! re gifs - yeah totally makes sense. this tool makes recording so easy that i just want to (obviously) use it for everything i need haha.
@vhmth gifs within certain size are inlined in slack, so great for reporting bugs etc, that's the use case
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@vesln dude awesome! I'm happy that it's useful for you. Honestly, this tool aligns closely with a belief that I have that people should give more value than they take. So saying that has completely made my day.
David Weisburd
This is awesome - great tool!
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@dweisburd thanks David! We still need to catch up sometime and meet IRL. :-)
Shahed Khan
Top Product
Hey Product Hunt! Great to be back on here. Big ups to @erictwillis for hunting us 🙌 Openvid is a the easiest way for anyone to quickly record your screen, mic, and (optionally!) front-facing camera on any URL. Want to easily QA your new mock ups? Give feedback to a friend on their site? Create a quick tutorial for your product? Openvid let’s you do that for free without having to worry about video storage, upload time, or recording time limits. YUUGE shout out to the rest of the team behind this @yoyo_thomas & @vhmth
Bryan Weis
@_shahedk @yoyo_thomas @vhmth Congrats on the launch! I'm a huge fan of the product and can't wait to see what use cases new users come up with!
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@bryan_weis @danielsing3r thank you gents! 🙏
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@bryan_weis @_shahedk @yoyo_thomas thanks Bryan! Let me know if you have any feature requests you'd like to see make it out. You have my info. :-)
Ross Rojek
Definitely going to be using this for help tickets.
Ivo Dimitrov
Great product! It will be beautiful if I could to change sound after recording ))
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@gogola heya! Could you elaborate on what you mean by changing the sound? Would love to add this to a feature list and see if we could get it to you!
Ivo Dimitrov
@vhmth I mean like a simple video maker/editor) Or you need to integrate with animoto.com or something like this 😉
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@gogola ah I see. That's what I suspected you meant! We do have somewhat further down on the list plans to make it possible to string together clips and do simple editing. May I ask what your use cases are?
Eric Anderson
This is awesome! I currently use Droplr videos and share with the team for bug reports, feature ideas, etc. BUt the front-facing camera is a super nice addition (plus the other pieces of metadata you collect around the video itself). Awesome work! Any ideas on what pricing will look like?
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@theericanderson the pricing is free for now and forever. Droplr is a great tool. I've personally used CloudApp for years. :-) Let me know if you have any questions or think of any use cases we're not too friendly with at the moment.
Nick Pericle
Im a big fan already! Just sent two examples to my team.
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@nickpericle that makes us very happy over here! When the whole team starts to use it is when things start to get fun :)
Justin Alva
@_shahedk @vhmth It would be awesome if there could be a pen, highlighter, eraser so I could point out or draw attention to specific things that may be easy to miss.
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@kosmischemusik @_shahedk I have bumped this on the feature list. I personally cannot wait to implement this. :-)
Justin Alva
@vhmth @_shahedk Awesome! Perhaps you should open up your feature list for people to submit suggestions and upvote existing ones :D
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@kosmischemusik @_shahedk that's an amazing suggestion! I've added that feature to the list of features we have. I like it a lot man. :-) @joethomas_x I believe you brought this idea up before. Sorry we did not listen to you.
Justin Alva
@vhmth @_shahedk Glad I could bring some validation for @joethomas_x's idea :D. I've seen a lot of suggestions when products get hunted here and definitely think providing the community/users with some means of (indirectly) directing the product might be a good idea.
Andrew Rasmussen
@kosmischemusik Public feature lists with voting capabilities is exactly what we offer over at Product Pains. You should post your suggestion here! https://productpains.com/product...
Do not use! Was trying to access my old recordings and a new pop up said I cant view it unless I referred them. Perfect example of what not to do to your users. Uninstalling. Here is a screenshot: http://prntscr.com/cnygcq In addition, recordings can not be viewed until 24 hours later. This was never the case before.
Daniel Kempe
This is great! We are going to push this to our users of openvoyce.com - to give a better understanding of what he/she is suggesting. :-)
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@danielkempe that's a great use case for this kind of service. Screen capturing offers so much more context than simply text. :-)
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
How's it going Product Hunt? I'm extremely excited to have you guys testing out what the Opentest team has been building for the past several months! If you guys have any technical or product issues, I will be up (and highly caffeinated) to help you out! Either comment here or reach me directly via Twitter (@vhmth) or email (vinay@opentest.co). If any fellow enginerds have technical questions - I'm here to answer them as well!
Nilay Khandelwal
@vhmth @opentest Hi Vinay, I really love the simplicity of using Openvid and it's minimalist design. Is there a way to stop audio from recording though? There's a video on/off button but none for audio that I can seem to find.
Nilay Khandelwal
@vhmth @opentest Ooh I like this video response style! :) Specifically at my work, we share internal testing videos between the QA and dev teams. Right now it involves using Jing to capture screen recordings and sharing it through Slack, etc. Since most of these recordings are in the work environment with an open space layout, it's generally preferable to make the recordings with no audio. This leads me to another request. It would be great if sharing the Openvid URLs in Slack would allow inline video playback. That's one of the biggest annoyances with Jing (even though it's just one click to open the share links in a browser window :) )
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@nilayk @opentest I really love using our tool to add emotional context to support answers. :-) It's made this launch 100x easier! Proper Facebook OG tags are high on our priority list. I personally want Slack inline videos to work as well since our team practically lives on Slack. You will have your way soon Nilay!
Nilay Khandelwal
@vhmth @opentest Sounds like a good idea, I too shall try to add emotional contexts to support videos whenever possible. Best of luck with the next phases of development and congratulations on the product launch!
Emanuele Ricci
Great minimalist tool to get fast user experience feedback. Is it possible also to have a small button (near the cam's one) to enable/disable mic recording?
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@stermi as of right now the ability to enable/disable different recording streams is not there. It's a feature request that's been asked before though, so you can be sure that it's on our radar.
For screen recording Opentest.com is a breeze. The elegance and simplicity of this app is a major accomplishment imo
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@ronsheridan thank you! We really appreciate that!
Matt G Davison
Hey guys love the product. Been looking for something simple to use like this for awhile. Its crashing a little this morning but otherwise a great product. I know there is a feature request to remove the circle on the bottom left as its hard to click things like in GA, i do however like the circle so maybe if we had the ability to move it, it would be better. Otherwise its really awesome :)
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@mattgdavison definitely Matt. Would you mind telling me what was happening when it was crashing?
Jack Smith
This looks legit. I've previously used the TechSmith Snagit extension to record screencasts; but this looks a lot better. Minimalistic, but with the functionality that I need. the ability to record a video and then quickly get a link to share it is really important here. With some other solutions I have to mess around uploading the video to my youtube account and wait for it to process etc.
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@_jacksmith personal shout out to you Jack: https://www.opentest.co/share/4c...
Jack Smith
@vhmth thanks for the video Vinay, very thoughtful. - You guys have already shipped more cool stuff with limited resources than many startups with millions $ in funding, so I'm excited to see how this continues to evolve.
Nick Kwan
@_jacksmith @vhmth also a big TechSmith Snagit user. Def gonna test this out. Do you know any good seamless tools to record system audio + standard audio for calls? I've actually used Snagit for this as well and even gone through the headaches of Soundflower...
Daniel Foster
@nwkwan Hi Nick - thanks for using Snagit! In the latest couple versions of Snagit for Mac recording system audio is pretty seamless. No more dependency on Soundflower. We just released Snagit 4 last week, if you want to check it out. https://www.techsmith.com/snagit...
Vinay Hiremath
Top Product
@fosteronomo @nwkwan looks cool Daniel! Let me know how that works for you Nick. Interested to hear your thoughts. That being said, we'll be working on doing full desktop recording since that is by far our most requested feature at this point. Keep up the good work Daniel - you and your team have built a great product.