Prevent, control and predict kid's health related issues
Oksana Nishtun
LoveyQ — Prevent, control and predict kid's health related issues
Our device monitors: Heart rate, Temperature, Breathing rate, Cough, Sleep, Cry, Position (back/belly) and Step count. It's ease and convenient to wear, totally safe and babyproof.
Oksana Nishtun
I remember the day I learned that my child is prone to seizures. The first time he convulsed, he was only six months old, and began seizing right in my arms. As you can imagine, I could not sleep for months after this experience. To calm my anxiety I needed two things. First, I needed to have something that would reliably warn me if Bogdan's temperature began to rise. Second, I needed an easy way to accurately measure his vitals signs - even when we are asleep. Oksana Nishtun - Founder of LoveyQ We are the developing team of LoveyQ - an exciting and advanced baby monitor to track baby vitals, sleep, and positions, even detect cough, and so much more. We are looking for ways to make LoveyQ more perfect for you and your baby! We would love to hear your thoughts about LoveyQ product, or what you are looking for in an ideal baby monitor. It is not only us – LoveyQ Team, but also many babies and families would greatly appreciate your thoughtful insight and suggestion. We couldn’t wait to hear from you!