Kevin William David

UX Flow Wireframe Prototyping System - Create beautiful user flows prototypes for your next project

UX Flow Wireframe Prototyping System is a huge library of mobile and web flowcharts for Sketch. According to our opinion, we selected the most necessary categories and made 450+ flowcharts for planning your projects easier and faster. And we have prepared 4 premade color schemes. A set of them is easy for them to use and customize.

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Ruslan Latypov
UX Flow - a huge library of mobile and web flowcharts for Sketch According to our opinion, we selected the most necessary categories and made 450+ flowcharts for planning your projects easier and faster We also thought about customization, you can easily change entire set in your own style, just updating the styles in the sketch. And we have prepared 4 premade color schemes. A set of them is easy for them to use and customize. Look at the full presentation -, download and test the free version And if you like this kit, use the coupon code 'producthunt' while checkout for 30% off. Thank @kwdinc for hunting us.
hey guys, @ruslan_latypov I don't know what is happening but I can't purchase your product. I tried with paypal and my card but it is not working (and yes, I have enough money on both)
Sam Rizzi
@kwdinc @ruslan_latypov Ruslan thank you so much for awesome work. Just purchased a copy of smart ux and ux flow. I am one of your biggest fans! :)
Is xd version coming soon?
Ettore Tortora
@berhanbero Isn't XD still in beta?
Ruslan Latypov
@berhanbero Not yet. We think about XD and Figma versions, but for now it’s impossible to transfer all features to XD or Figma. We are waiting for Figma or XD updates, and I think first of all it will be Figma, it has more potential.
Mucahit Gayiran
Wow! It is great to see LStore Graphics working on awesome web design projects instead of just mockups. And really great job with this one.
Douglas Evaristo
give it to me :) kkkkkk
Ekaterina Novozhilova
@douglasevaristo Thank you very much :)
Roby Sharif
WTF is all BS when trying to download for trying the free version!
Ruslan Latypov
@md5sha1 sorry, what problem do you have?
Shashank Bharadwaj
@md5sha1 @ruslan_latypov I think he might be upset by friction in the free download flow. Should just download the zipfile rather than take you to another page and use another service to purchase it for $0. I like the product though. Just considering the value of UI8's wireframing kit
Corey O'Brien
@md5sha1 I wasn't able to get the download to work. I tried it with Safari, Chrome and Firefox on macOS. Not sure why this might be happening but I did see a few javascript errors in the console.
Tom Frazier
Looks amazing. Great job
Ekaterina Novozhilova
@tomfrazier Thank you very much :)
Wuaaaaaa!!!! I need it!
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Must have.
Ekaterina Novozhilova
@kkdub Thank you very much :)
vipul mishra
Love the simplicity and detailing the wireframes. Flowcharts really makes it awesome when understanding the flow. Totally worth all the bucks!!
Ekaterina Novozhilova
@vm4canvasflip Thank you very much :)
Anvar Tk
Really cool product!
Ekaterina Novozhilova
@anvartk Thank you very much :)
Ekaterina Novozhilova
We did what you asked for most. Two new versions are added now, and UX Flow is also available for Figma and Adobe XD in all 4 color schemes. Sketch users weren't forgotten as well, we made a special plugin for them. Now you can quickly and simply find the desired item.
This is so helpful, I am a product designer. So many great tools in here