Great job on the video--this looks stellar! The smart blocks is so obviously necessary at this point, especially given Sketch's success...! A few thoughts: compatibility with Sketch files and symbols? What's the ability to share and collaborate with others? Can you share smart blocks too? Pricing model?
@chrismessina Thanks! We plan to work on some Sketch export features pretty soon. About collaboration, the current plan is individual but we are working on a team plan which will allow multiple people to work at the same time on the same presentation. The pricing is here:
Looks amazing! Is there any plans to provide a storyboard view - all slides in a single view? Super useful for planning out presentations - sorely missing from Google Slides
Looks fantastic! And THANK YOU for using energising/exciting music for your video, not the bumbling happy chimes that most tech companies are defaulting too. Signed up to BETA for sure. Top execution//
Looks fantastic - my company is about to start making a lot of educational content to support our product and have been searching for a way to make interesting and interactive presentations without having to muck about forever in Adobe products. Can't wait to try this out :D
Congrats on shipping Vincent + team! I had the privilege to play around with Ludus a couple weeks back and it's clear a tonne of attention has gone into it. Even at launch it feels super polished, which I'm sure will increase as the team respond to customer feedback.
What I like most about Ludus is that it's just intuitive. It does what you want it to and gets out the way whilst you do it. As any maker will know, delivering an intuitive experience is far from simple, so it impressed me to see this level of polish this early.
@vinch Signed up for the beta, would love to provide lots of feedback in regards to prototyping. A lot of us designers use Keynote/Powerpoint for that kind of work already so I can see this being a natural extension of that.