Andrew Ettinger

Lumen - Magic auto brightness based on screen contents

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could you build a Windows version of Lumen? I would be happy to use it, great work...
Anish Athalye
@ramkumarhq It would be nice to find someone else who can develop it :)
Daniel Georgiev
@ramkumarhq Iris has this but in it's Pro version. It's called Smart Brightness
Maxim Ananov
I see that you're going through desktop image bitmap pixels to calculate luminosity. I wonder if it would be more efficient to downscale the image in graphics memory first. Then analyze tiny interpolated image instead of bringing the whole image to RAM every second.
Diogo Afonso
This is really clever and honestly something I've thought about 1 million times when I'm cmd-tabbing between apps that have dark themes and other's that don't! Brilliant...
Alfonso C. Betancort
Simply brilliant, bravo!
Sunny max
Very helpful
So there's no installer?
Theo Skye
@romanzadyrako Pre-built binaries for installation are here:
Anish Athalye
@romanzadyrako you can use Homebrew Cask too. So `brew cask update && brew cask install lumen` will install it.
An interesting version of this would be a chrome extension. Differently colored websites is the primary reason I would want brightness adjustment.
Haoyang Feng
The fact that it doesn't work with system auto brightness is a bit of a nuisance - unless it considers ambient light readings itself.
I don't understand it or it doesn't work for me. I downloaded the pre-built binaries and put it in my application folder, I open it, it is up there in the menu bar... but I don't notice any difference. I wanted to use it for watching tv shows while I am chatting or browsing, so it dim somehow the rest of the screen a bit, but it doesn't seem to dim anything really. EDIT: Ok, I see, it works when I go out of full screen. Maybe in next updates you could add the option to adjust the amount of dim? :)
Niv Dror
Lumen is a menu bar application for macOS that magically sets the screen brightness based on your screen contents.