Ellen Chisa

Lumos Helmet - Bike helmet with brake lights


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Ellen Chisa
Embarrassing, but true: I'm not coordinated to take my hands off my handlebars to signal. I think this would make me much more comfortable biking, especially at night.
I had the chance to meet the Lumos team during the prototype stage and be part of their beta community. The product looks even more awesome in person. Unlike many 'lets launch now and figure out later' crowdfunding campaigns, Lumos team has spent months verifying all the manufacturing processes before launching. They have even got the 'Dragon certification' to validate their manufacturing due diligence. If you are a biker 🚲 , this is a must-have accessory!
Martin LeBlanc
Why would you want to look like a Christmas​ three when riding a bike?
If only I wore a helmet! Love the idea though.
Alban Dumouilla
@alanaut24 Here in SF, people look at you with anger if you don't have one, it's interesting. No need to respect street signs though! I really love the turn signals part of it. Breaking lights might be a bit superfluous, knowing the difference of speed between a car and a bike it usually doesn't make much difference.
Braden Hamm
I understand the turn signals, but how would a car be able to tell between on/off braking lights and just a flashing light for visibility, like so many current cyclists use?
Will Imholte
@bradenhamm Same way cars tell between tail lights and brake lights: it's one level of brightness all the time and 2x as bright when braking. (Or flashing vs solid, etc). No idea if it'd work to keep people safer, but I think it'd effectively communicate braking. *Edit: They have a gif showing the blinking > solid transition for braking. Looks fairly clear—and any amount of change will draw attention to you (which is good for safety)
Irving Torres
Love this. I used to bike around the city helmet-free but then I realized all it takes is one bad driver or one nasty fall to end my life so I wear one at all times now. This takes the cake for being nicely designed and very practical. Love the brake light and turn signals.
Eu-wen Ding
Hey guys, Eu-wen here from Lumos Helmet. So happy to be here! Thanks so much for your thoughts and comments. I'm having some issues with my PH commenting access, but feel free to ask me anything in the meantime while I work with PH to get it sorted out!
Matt Turney
Nick Zieber
Looks like the Lumos Helmets are starting to ship! Great job @euwending
Eu-wen Ding
@nzieber Yes we are! Thanks for noticing :)
Aaron Hanson
This is REALLY cool!
Juliet Chen
It's so great to see more physical products, even more so when it's for cycling! @euwending I'm working on @social_cycle to improve urban cycling experience across the pond here in London. Would love to have a chat to see how I can help! :)
Fred Rivett
One of those products that comes out and you think, why wasn't this a thing before?
Eugene Hennie
This awesome. Simple concept that makes you think "why haven't people ever done this"
Sasha Rohachova
Great idea. I hope your helmet will save a few lives on the road.