I'm pleased to share the new version of Lydia app, designed by @flxlepoutr. The payment UX is just wonderful. And this new version kills the previous tab bar for a more unified environment where you can pay, see your history and cash out as if you were on the same view. You feel safe and happy to pay :) UX is Fintech is one of the most challenging exercice and this evolution shoes the way.
@solenema@flxlepoutr Félicitations :D J'utilise Lydia super souvent pour rembourser mes amis, et la cafèt. de mon école l'utilise aussi. Continuez comme ça.
Tres belle Maj. Meme si je crois que je preferais la precedente avec plus de blanc. La ca ressemble ptet un poil trop a la derniere Maj de Paypal. Mais sinon le concept est toujours aussi cool et pratique. Bravo la Team !
@falemaster Hello Félipé, merci pour ton retour. On a figure toi beaucoup hésité avec le maintient d'un clavier blanc mais afin d'avoir une UI plus impactante visuellement, qu'on remarque de loin, on a finalement penché pour un background entièrement bleu.
I was a big fan of Square Cash while living in SF and was sad that no app (with the same UX) existed in France. The redesign seems to solve that, so I'll register.
Btw, is there any incentive to invite new users?
Well, seems like the app is crashing when I wanted to open my contact book - and keeps crashing every time now. So, there's still some WIP I'd say!
But keep going, we need these kind of app :)
@lucascerdan Hi Lucas, thanks for you comment. You can send 1€ to every contact you want to invite, we will give you back 1€ each time ! There is also the "Share the app" screen where you can invite all your contact. We are aware about a contact book issue but we are not sure if we are talking about the same one. Could you give me your email address please, we would like to investigate your problem. Thanks again.
Hi everyone ! Thanks @Solene for the hunting. We just released a new Lydia app for iOS and Android featuring a brand new design. Let us know what you think and if you have any questions about the new app, here we are !