Hello Product Hunt! This is Greg from the product team at Lyve Minds. Yes, with the Lyve Home all of the photos and videos stored on your various devices are automatically backed up to the internal hard drive on the Lyve Home. All you need to do is install the Lyve app on all of your iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows devices and the Lyve software and service will do the rest. Lyve automatically de-dupes your photos and videos and builds a complete catalog of all of your memories, accessible from any of your devices, and backed up on the Lyve Home.
And you can also check out Lyve for free. By using the free Lyve app you can view all of the photos and videos stored on your devices in one simple timeline. Your photos and videos aren’t backed up, but when you add a Lyve Home they will be. Download the app here to check it out:
Lastly, we just launched a brand new sharing feature: Mix! Mix is our real-time photo sharing feature that makes it really, really easy to privately share photos between friends, even across iOS and Android. Launch Lyve when you are at a party and we will discover your friends around you making it super simple to share photos. Download the pics you want to keep and you can also send a link to the friends who weren’t able to make it to the party. Check it out!
I really like the view screen concept but what I most want from a solution like this is 100% peace of mind that pics and videos are backed up...along with effortless de-duplication...and freeing up of space on my mobile devices. This article sets off all kinds of alarm bells for me; there's too much uncertainty about whether my data has truly been backed up: https://support.mylyve.com/hc/en...
Neat idea to take your photo backup to the next level by not just being something nice looking that you'd be OK with displaying on your desk, but also being a photo display for all your pictures. Can see this going one step further and being an actual 8x11 picture frame with the storage in the back.