Dont care what anyone thinks... I think the TouchBar looks Cool AF
I hate my keyboard now.
'Microsoft has a touchscreen though....' - yeah but its Microsoft...
EDIT: seems my 'yeah but its MS' has touched a nerve with some of you.... its my personal opinion ✌️
@bentossell yeah but it's Microsoft seems like the such an awful statement to base purchases on. MS is killing it right now and Apple is stagnating IMO.
@mildrenben killing it with outdated I/O: no USB-C on a $3k computer, outdated graphics cards, etc.
The concept is nice, but I don't need it, I can't draw anyway.
@mburns87 if you bought it less than 30 days ago, you should be able to return it. Apple has a very liberal return policy, so you can return even used items
@bentossell Looks to me like amongst the most dysfunctional things ever seen. It's a gimmick I would expect from a gaming keyboard.
I'm faster with my shortcuts and mouse than I would ever be with that battery absorbing gimmick bar.
@jackdweck I wanted to resist. I tried to resist. But yes, please just take my money. And more of my money for ever accessory I currently own but in USB-C form...
@jackdweck 15" loaded = $4,299. They make you pay for the 2TB, that's for sure. I'm going to wait for a 32GB refresh for now, so in a bizarre reversal "Keep my money". :-D
@rrhoover did you see the interview with Craig, they why they spent 1/3 of WWDC talking about iMessage instead of other things. He said, when we do better performance bugs and whatnot no one cares, but the second we add 2 emojis the whole world goes crazy! 😂
TouchBar is meh. I really think Apple needs to figure out how it's going to tear down its current suite of hardware and build something new from the ground up.
So now on a Pro machine I gotta get more dongles for my SD card and dongles for my drives (that I just bought) and more dongles for HDMI? That's BS. I can understand the logic on a consumer machine but not when Apple is supposedly great for photographers/creators and the like.
@kidbombay But they kept the headphone jack, so that makes up for losing USB, HDMI, MagSafe and card slot, right? Except based on their new iPhones, they see headphone jacks as obsolete. Oh, Apple.
@kidbombay Think about it this way though: every port is every port. There may be a dongle, sure. But this thing is way more forward thinking this way.
@mg this is backwards. Now I have to carry more stuff which doesn't help. I actually have to buy a SD card reader which I haven't had to purchase for 5 years.
@ibcj I have been waiting on 32gb for the past 3 years. It's ridiculous to run todays "RAM heavy" professional software and browsers on 16gb of RAM. Huge mistake!
Interesting response from Phil Schiller posted by MacRumors:
*Question from David:* The lack of a 32GB BTO option for the new MBPs raised some eyebrows and caused some concerns (me included). Does ~3GBps bandwidth to the SSD make this a moot issue? I.e. memory paging on a 16GB system is so fast that 32GB is not a significant improvement?
*Schiller's answer:* Thank you for the email. It is a good question. To put more than 16GB of fast RAM into a notebook design at this time would require a memory system that consumes much more power and wouldn't be efficient enough for a notebook. I hope you check out this new generation MacBook Pro, it really is an incredible system.
@brunolemos I still fancy myself a software engineer, and certainly am still quite a nerd. So my largest consumption of memory typically comes from running multiple virtual machines. And I'd love nothing more than to be able to run two VM's with 8ish GB each (leaving 16GB for my native OS). And come to think of it, even running native in 16GB with another 16GB to a primary VM would be lovely.
Another (not so primary use case) would be to be able to run analytics on largeish data sets in memory. Loading a couple GB dataset into memory for analytics and processing on my local machine just makes me smile.
Zzzzzzzz. Weak update. Apple is adding gimmicky features like this OLED bar rather than focusing on improving the specs. Same thing they did with iOS10 and the iMessage features we all used for one week only. The 2015 Pro model is plenty thin. They should have kept same thinness and instead bumped up the battery life, the processor speed, and ramped the RAM to 32GB. The specs on this are no better than the ones on my early 2015 Macbook Pro.
Generally, I was expecting to be really wowed by the new MacBook Pro like I was wowed by the Surface Studio yesterday. After waiting for so long I was really expecting more. More RAM, 7th Gen Kaby Lake and a totally new design. The new MacBook Pro feels a bit like a refresh.
@desmonddantzler@hameto_ They did show how customizing the bar was really fluid as the two screens were close to each other. I do agree ergonomically it seems awkward at first, but I think when you start to use it it might be better placed. Also, it's where the function keys were, its extending their use.
@hameto_ if it was placed near the trackpad, your hands/arm would cover it while typing. It's basically a small screen. Since the content is dynamic, hindering visibility would be a mistake.
@francisperron now waiting to see a great dock to have only one thing to plug in this little beast at home. I'm actually super excited! Can't wait to get mine. Did you order for all the team @ GitMarket? ;)
@jipiboily Its just sad we need to buy dongles or dock at the price they are selling it :( No we're good, I have a early 2015 13", I'll stick with that for now and let the industry adapt to usb-c/thunderbolt3.
Looks good. However is it true that Apple killed the Air? Loving that emoji bar, finally a nice update to an Apple product! ;)
Might recover the poor sales on the iPad Pro and the iPhone 7.
As a certain Twitter user said: Microsoft announces a 28-inch, beautiful computer with a touchscreen display. Apple adds a tiny sliver of an iPad to the MacBook Pro.
It can power two external 5k dispays and the internal display is retina DPI. 4k in a 15" monitor would be pointless unless you're wearing binoculars and sitting 1 ft away.
@nxc I got the previous version of the Macbook Pro Retina and I can't add extra ram because it comes attached to the mother board. This will be the same?
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