Will Feldman

macOS Mojave - The next generation of software for Macs

Stay better focused on your work in Dark Mode. Automatically organize files using Stacks. Take more kinds of screenshots with less effort. Try four handy new built-in apps, and discover great new ones in the redesigned Mac App Store. Now you can get more out of every click.

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Bring on the dark mode!
Andrey Tsarkov
Hard times are coming for native macOS apps developers as the wave of cheaper UIKit apps will rush to the mac AppStore in '19
Jake Crump
I am super pumped about dark mode!
@jakecrump Great minds :)
Paweł Derehajło
I still didn't install High Sierra because of all the issues people are reporting regarding it's shorter battery life, worse performance, or even system freezing or unable to log in after update. Does anyone know if this was also improved in Mojave? Or maybe it was improved already?
William Hu
@labm0nkey I don't think that's still an issue (using MacBook Pro 2015)
Anna Filou
@labm0nkey I've been on High Sierra for many month and my MacBook Air early 2015 is as smooth as ever. Battery still great. Mind you, I use it for more than 10 hours a day.
John Farmer
It feels like I've been waiting my whole life for this moment. Dark mode will be one of those features that I turn on and never even consider turning off. I really hope this encourages app developers to invest resources into developing a dark mode, Slack, AirTable, and Station are a few at the top of my wish list.
Simon Bromberg
Looking forward to hearing people mispronounce the name of this one.
name not important

I regret updating it to Mojave it sucks... I prefer High Sierra than I thought I really like Dark mode but then I realize there is something I hate they changed, The quality of letters is weird sucks, The edges of the Apps when you open looks low quality ew, Just trash and it sucks two more problem is that when I open something it just saves on my Dock?? wow how annoying and I REALLY?! have to keep removing it from my dock which is so annoying and frustrating, The AppStore looks ugly too plus it's still on beta, I never thought I'd hate it since I like dark modes even my YT/Google is dark mode I was excited when I updated it cause of Dark Mode but then later hated it cause of those four things people might not notice the difference but yeah I don't recommend updating it to Mojave I will downgrade back to High Sierra. Disappointed. Don't update without knowing the details/cons of it or else you will regret and have to do some things to downgrade kinda annoying but oh well "Lesson Learned"..


Dark Mode which is the only reason why I updated it


4 Things I don't like about it

Susan Eliason
Mac OS Majave insults their users with the iCloud hassle. I already paid a lot of money for this laptop and they have the audacity to try and force me to pay more. Every time I add anything to my desktop or documents I get that obnoxious pop-up that says I have to upgrade iCloud and they make it sound like I'm obligated. This is the most incredible invasion of my privacy and with all the ways I could back up my files, I do not need to pay one penny for this so-called "iCloud." When I stopped using iCloud by use of system preferences, I found all my files gone from my desktop, where I like to keep everything. This is just another example of the ways these companies insult and humiliate their customers by making these machines more and more complicated.

All was well with High Sierra, then Mojave was released and High Sierra removed from the App Store. BIG Microsoft-like move by Apple! Apple is forcing loyal users to upgrade and not be able to revert. Well, Mojave killed my network connection and there were NO viable solutions to a fix. I tried everything I could find online (using my Macbook Pro because my desktop iMac Pro was rendered useless by Mojave). Thankfully, I stumbled across an EXCELLENT step-by-step video that demonstrated how to download a copy of High Sierra installer. The ONLY way to get rid of Mojave was to back up my files and apps then completely erase my hard drive. I've wasted more than two days going through the procedure of backing up my hard drive to an external drive, installing High Sierra on my MacBook, loading it onto a flash drive, erasing my iMac hard drive, restarting my iMac using the flash drive with a bootable copy of High SIerra, then transferring all my files and apps from the external drive to my iMac hard drive.

Wow! Apple really screwed the pooch with Mojave and removing High Sierra from the app store. I'm certain Steve Jobs is turning over in his grave with the way Apple has become more and more like Microsoft by forcing loyal users to do what Apple dictates, not what the users want!!


Don't know of any


Broke my network connection

Francesco Fiore
None is talking about the most interesting thing here: step1 of bringing iOS apps to Mac. Or better making it really easy to adapt iOS app for Mac. Yes, not part of Mojave but it's coming. Will be interesting to see how they ported News, Stocks, ... from iOS.
Wojciech Kałużny

It's extremely annoying, dark mode is unreadable and I can't keep my dark dock on..


Redesign apps


Dark mode sucks, apps are unreadable and you can't keep dark dock only

Wojciech Kałużny
Why the hell there's no way to keep the dark dock only without having all apps in dark? Not updating for the first time...
Anatoly Kozhukhar
Looks great! I can't wait to see it closer
Sébastien Dumont

Brilliant. Fell in love again with Mac!


Has everything I need and want



Roye White
are you for real?
Ben Slaney
If you want to create a bootable installer out of this, for making a clean install, you can do so with this free app: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Paul McKeever

The screenshot options are great (I seem to take screenshots all day)


Using the 10.14 beta and it is super stable, fast and fun. Even on my 2012 iMac


Haven't found any yet

Farewell beautiful fonts.
Vivek Pottam

I use Mac as part of my work all day and i started to see all the good stable softwares are unstable


Mostly all the look and feel


Some stable softwares failed to support this update

Candace Urquiza

This is the worst update Ive ever had to go through. The only way to get my apps and computer to respond is to wipe my computer and install Sierra, which is a hassle in itself to get back on. I've had nothing but issues with this OS and I've been trying to fix it all day without any luck so far. This wasn't a well thought out instal for my experience with is.




Apps unable to work, Restart screen gets stuck

CUCMS ebay.muntada

it's difficult to revert to high sierra


looks good..feel good with the "stack" features


my mbp keeps hanging...intermittent freeze

Ghost Kitty
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