Ben Tossell

macOS Sierra - All new OS for your Mac


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Christian Montoya
New OS for Mac! Naturally, I'll install it in a couple months.
Ben Tossell
@cm0nt0y4 juuuuust incase :)
Ben Slaney
@cm0nt0y4 When you do get around to installing it I made a free tool so you can clean install it by making a bootable USB installer out of it. Here it is:
@bntzio @cm0nt0y4 I thought the same but I already installed everything ok at the moment, some people said it is faster I didn't notice.
Shrikrishna Holla
Would this work with siri?
Sean Hyland
If you work in production, don't be a noob and upgrade. Either wait a few months or install it on another partition.
Lasse R
@seankillstime never had problems with early updates and already checked all my current apps for compatibility πŸ˜„ I'll be upgrading asap
Nikola Novakovic
@seankillstime this is so true. If you are a software engineer, just wait a bit. I read on HN it broke some homebrew tools and stuff.
Nick Nish
@seankillstime El Capitan download went perfectly, besides some brief homebrew updating. However, Mavericks nearly bricked my computer. I'm waiting a few months, unless there's a must-have feature that my apps have only on Sierra 😝
Niv Dror
Saying "Alexa" is so much more natural than the hands-free "Hey Siri"
@nivo0o0 Unfortunately, hands free Siri is not available in Mac OS! Only in iPhone and iPads.
Niv Dror
@chakkaradeep the keyboard shortcut is really quick tho! (option + spacebar) and the Siri icon is right at the bottom. They can't enable hands free on Mac imo because it would get in the way of hands free Siri on iPhone (which I just enabled, and works great). But I guess they could prioritize on Mac or something like that if both devices pick it up
Daniel Kempe
@chakkaradeep @nivo0o0 Somebody should make an app that makes this happen, so when you say "hey siri" it just initiates the button press...
@danielkempe and get Siri on your iPhone, Watch and Mac OS? ;)
Simon Bromberg
@chakkaradeep @nivo0o0 Haven't gotten this working yet but I didn't spend much time on it.
Devesh Khanal
Will the makers please identify themselves on here? Thanks.
Ben Tossell
OS X is dead... now macOS :) And Siri is now on Mac!! (among a loaaaad of other updates) The story just broke on TechCrunch There is also a review on The Verge
(mac app store may be propagating - but works for me here in the UK!)
Ben Slaney
Hi everybody! I made a free tool so you can clean install Sierra by making a bootable USB installer out of the Sierra installer. Here it is: Here's a bit more information on it:
Joseph Kotzker
Anyone installed and care to share thoughts on stability vs. El Captain?
Lee Peterson
@kotzker I installed the RC last week and all has been fine. Haven't noticed any issues. I run Sketch, Atom/Sublime/Coda, Chrome, iTerm, Slack, etc. daily and haven't noticed a single issue. Downloading the update now. I know... such a risk taker.
David Carpe
@kotzker installed and have yet to encounter an issue. love the siri integration though need to get used to it. everything else seems like incremental change that adds up to overall improvement
Adriano Grassi
@kotzker been running the GM since it came out. A few issues: kernel-task takes lots of CPU cycles lots of times, Xcode 8 is very unstable crashes and hangs all over the place. Wifi takes a while to reconnect waking up from sleep. All else seems okay.
Ryan J A Murphy
@kotzker Just booting it up after an overnight install now. I don't do full-time development, so I can't comment on Xcode and other IDEs. Illustrator asked me to install a couple of fonts on opening, which was weird, but otherwise seems to function. Duet Display gave up wholesale – not that I use it that often – but it's the only real malfunction I've noticed.
Rahul Dewan
@ryanjamurphy @kotzker Update duet from our site and it will work (though Sierra has some graphical glitches to fix)
Ryan Hoover
This list of Siri commands just became more useful.
Craig Merry
itty bitty features that add up to a solid upgrade
Fraser Smith
Upgraded to the GM a couple of weeks ago. So far, the only new feature that makes a difference to me is that I can finally set a default text size in Notes. Yay, I can read my notes again. Aside from that most things are working just as they did before. I expect that I'll use Siri just as much as I do on my iOS devices, which is to say, not at all.
Jason Ganub
Awesome, now my computer has to take my commands :)
Dan DiGangi
Vivek Sancheti
Does it has any bug? Any dev here who has update it?
Heatherm Huang
Sadly my new MacBook '15 just became super slow and unstable after upgraded to macOS Sierra. Siri won't work; Chrome and Safari crashed once an hour; AppStore, Slack, iWork and Office won't open. Anyway I can reinstall the system without losing my data?
Adriel Kloppenburg
@heathermhuang Back it up with Time Machine to an external drive, then whipe the drive, and do a clean install of Sierra, and on it's first boot when it asks about restoring data, select your Time Machine backup. Most things should be back to how they were just fine after this, unless you've got really custom stuff setup like Homebrew.
Files Villa
In keeping with Apple's release cycle, Apple will stop releasing new security updates for macOS High Sierra 10.13 following its full release of macOS Big Sur