Omar Mehilba

KubeAdvisor - KubeAdvisor helps DevOps adopt best practices for Kubernetes


KubeAdvisor helps teams adopt best practices to accelerate the adoption of Kubernetes, and optimize their existing stack, with machine learning. KubeAdvisor scans K8s to make infrastructure and cloud-native applications reliable, resilient, and observable.

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Omar Mehilba
We've spent a lot of time in the trenches, understanding how DevOps and developers try to balance app performance, availability, and security with utilization and cost. We're super proud of what we've been able to ship. Try it and see if it lower your K8s learning curve, have better control and cut your costs. And let us know how we can improve!
Omar Mehilba
How long did it take you to have your kubernetes cluster production ready?
eslam salem
Nice idea, Kubernetes can become so complicated and confusing. Good luck
Omar Mehilba
@eslam_salem Thanks Eslam!