Magic iMessage Stickers - AI
Generate iMessage Stickers using Stable Diffusion and DALLE
Michał Śmiałko
Magic iMessage Stickers - AI — Generate iMessage stickers using Stable Diffusion and DALLE
Ever needed a personalised iMessage sticker of a cute corgi, a hot dog or a smiling eggplant? Well. Search no more. Magic Stickers uses latest innovation on the generative AI front. It integrates with Stable Diffusion and DALLE to deliver fun experience.
Michał Śmiałko
Hello folks, Michal here, a man behind Magic Stickers. Generative AI is simply awesome and I do want to build products that bring this tech to our everyday lives. So here comes iMessage magic stickers. You'll never run out of personalised stickers of cute corgi, eggplant or a hot dog.