The product is a really great concept, takes Artsy to a new level with the recognition tools - the interface is extremely user friendly. The only thing I would suggest is to give immediate access to the app without forcing users to create an account. It can be a huge turn off to someone that just wants to check out the software and see if it really works and what it's all about, the app would be much stickier if users weren't committed to have to sign-up immediately
Hi there! Thanks for all the positive comments and thanks to @chrismessina for hunting us. Ever stood in front of an artwork and had no idea who the artist is? Voila - that's why we build Magnus. A few weeks ago we launched it. Three questions have since always come up:
1) Why did you build this?
We would like to make art more accessible. The art world is for outsiders hard to understand. And it's not transparent. I always felt like an idiot walking in a gallery and knowing next to nothing about the art in front of me That's why we offer two key features:
- Our map: It shows selected art exhibitions you should go to, including opening hours, current shows, etc.
- Shazam for Art: By taking a photo of the artwork the app tells you the name of the artist, title, dimensions and the price.
2) How did you build the database?
We started working on the app more than three years ago and gathered over 8mio images since. And we add thousands of images daily. How? By crowdsourcing. Whenever an artwork doesn't match we review it and add it to the database. So when the next user takes a photo of this artwork a few hours later, it matches.
3) Why a donkey?
A camel was really too expensive :)
@alexbarneshere we get them through our users. after taking a photo you can enter the price. we display them when several trusted users enter the same price.
Great! I spent 10 minutes looking for a Kandinsky last week, wished I had discovered your app earlier!
Ps. Just entered that piece into the database. App UI is awesome ;)
this video is so ridiculous it's kind of awesome. If this wasn't posted here I would think this app was an April Fool's joke because of it. With that said, I love the idea. Can't wait for an Android version.
great concept, great product and great video! I assume the database of various art pieces must be huge. Loved the User interface too. Good stuff magnus, waiting for it to come to india now :)
@pascalmorniroli Hi Pascal, oh yes. You can get Warhol works for that price. For example, Christie's sold some polaroid prints by Warhol for that price in 2015. Warhol and his assistants mass-produced works. He even called his studio "The Factory".
@magnusresch I thought the price indication was that of the piece itself but you mean that it is actually related to the artist? (I'm more than familiar with Warhol's career, thank you :-)
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