Chris Messina

Nuke Your Inbox by Mailman - A big red button that, when pressed, nukes your inbox 💣💥

Top Hunter

Nuke button replies to all the pending emails telling them you'd get back to them in a few days. And then over the next few days, it shows you those emails (1-2 per day) so you can respond to them without getting overwhelmed.
Fastest way to inbox zero.

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Mohit Mamoria
✌️ Hey Hey Hey 😻 Product Hunters! Thank you so much, @chrismessina, for hunting us. Really appreciate the support! 🎉 Let me quickly walk you through our journey of making this. 🤓 Why we made this? It absolutely started out as a personal frustration. Whenever I'd sit down to make something, I'd just get anxious seeing so many unread emails. And then more of them always coming in. I couldn't just get things done that I had planned in a day. As a maker, I need distraction free time. At a click of a button. 🦸‍♀️ Why would you need this? Except the obvious use-case of getting things done, just imagine, who else has big red buttons on their desks? Presidents. And Ironman. A big red button makes you look like worth a 🤑 billion dollars. 🤞 Great power = great responsibility With great power, comes great responsibility. We hope nuking the inbox doesn’t become a habit. It’s called the "Nuke" button, for a reason. You’d probably use it once a week or once a month. Not more. 🤡 April Fool joke? Nope. It was supposed to be one (based on this tweet), but then we thought, "what if...?" and here we are. We don't celebrate April Fool. We celebrate April Cool. 😎 🌟 Exclusive for ProductHunters We plan to only make 1000 of these buttons. But every order coming in from ProductHunters would be delivered, even if we run out of stock. 🎉 Each Nuke button comes with laser engraving of your email address on it. If there are any questions, ask them in the comments!
Victor G. Lesau
@chrismessina @mohitmamoria Loved the video :) Well done! Fun product. Wouldn't buy the button though.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Ivanna Wendel
This is very cool idea!!!)))
Mohit Mamoria
@ivanna_wendel Thank you, Ivanna :) Means a lot
Harsh Snehanshu
Love this, Mohit. Would love to know how did you get started on this.
Mohit Mamoria
@harshsnehanshu A bit of hatred for inbox + a bit of engineering was all it needed. Haha
ayberk bozkus
Useful project, good luck :)
Mohit Mamoria
@ayberkbozkus Thank you Ayberk :)
Nitansh Rastogi
Wow! There are April Fool's jokes and then there's this! Who knew even a joke could be made so useful that it could change one's life! Really loved this idea, @mohitmamoria. I also liked how you have connected a SaaS offering to a hardware! Not to mention the fact that this red button symbolises having some secret power. :)
Mohit Mamoria
@nitanshr Thank you thank you, Nitansh brother :) I think my hatred for my inbox is real haha. I have this button on my desk for last couple of weeks, and it looks totally totally badass. Your kind words mean a lot to each of us at Mailman
?makers what happens if i press the nuke button twice?
Mohit Mamoria
@vasgo The button cannot be pressed twice. Once pressed, it stays pressed. To press it again, you have to raise it first. Raising it ends the nuke effect. In the video, we also show how to raise the button and end the nuke effect. :)
@mohitmamoria why anyone would ever want to end the nuke effect? :)
Mohit Mamoria
@vasgo While the inbox in the nuke effect, no new emails will come it either. To make your inbox back to normal, you'd want to end the nuke effect. And keep it ready for the next time :)
Arthur Andreyev
Nice one!
Mohit Mamoria
@john_bricks Thank you, Arthur :)
Alex Bass
This is great 😂 just purchased the Nuke button 🚀 Excited to be able to support @mohitmamoria and the ?makers in the incredible vision of making your inbox cause you less stress and work for you. Mailman is fantastic and I love your branding! The Nuke website looks fantastic, so clear that a ton of work went into this! Congrats on the April Fools launch and actual product offering here!
Mohit Mamoria
@alexhbass You've always been a huge supporter of Mailman, Alex. I'd always be grateful to you for all the support, kindness and the belief in us. :) So stoked to have your button ready.
Eugene Hauptmann
Haha, nice one! @mohitmamoria There're not enough days in a calendar to respond to everything, you should sell virtual assistant integration at some point.
Liza Karelina
The video is really fun! 😁 and the idea is good! 👍🏼
Mohit Mamoria
@eliza.karelina haha thank you, Elizaveta. Really appreciate the kind kind words :)
Prashant Choubey
Yooooo this is soooo cool!!!!
Mohit Mamoria
@choubeysahab Haha thank you, Prashant. Happy April Cool Day to you too!
Raghav Arora
@mohitmamoria That's really cool. Happy April Cool Day to you and your team! :)
Mohit Mamoria
@raghav_arora4 Hahaha Happy April Cool to you tooo!
Dani Schenker🇨🇭
A nice product. Congrats ;-)
Mohit Mamoria
@danischenker Thank you, Dani :) Means a lot.
Sercan Demircan
Wish it wasn't a joke :)
Mohit Mamoria
@sercanov It is NOT a joke. Definitely not a joke.
Rahul Goradia
This looks like a lot of fun! Incredible stuff!
Mohit Mamoria
@rahul_goradia It is one of those things, that is fun as well as useful 🦸‍♂️
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
Love it Mohit! Hilarious and way to produce that video 😂😂😂
Mohit Mamoria
@yehoshua_zlotogorski Hahaha. What do you say, should I audition for a Netflix movie now? haha
Bilal Chaglani
Haha the video is hilarious!
Mohit Mamoria
@bilal_chaglani Haha Thank you, Bilal :) Means a lot to us.
Abhi Arya
Ha ha - love the idea Mohit. Another way to increase productivity !!
Mohit Mamoria
@abhiarya75 Exactly!! Who thought, some day, a tool of destruction can lead to productivity 🙃
Anna Costalonga
April Fool ahah fantastic - A great marketing and sales technique too
Mohit Mamoria
@adsidera1 Not an april fool joke. It's real. :)