✍️ Generate subject lines with GPT-4
💯 Easy to add campaign details for contextual results
🎯 Get matching preheaders with every subject line
✅ Preview and share the results with your team
🔍 Get access to a community & user-test subject lines
Hello PH fam,
I have spent hours learning how to improve email performance.
And the most critical thing is getting folks to open the emails. That is where a subject line is the best way to improve that.
Without a great subject line, subscribers just won’t open your email.
And the problem with a good subject line is that it is hard to write.
It is usually the last thing an email marketer writes before hitting the send button. Result- less time to improve it or writer’s block. And the whole campaign is ruined.
We know this problem. Have faced it every time. And that’s why we wanted to solve this for anyone sending an email campaign.
So, we built an AI Subject Line and Preheader generator inside our product Mailmodo. Our customers adopted it really well. The feature saved the time spent writing subject lines, and increased email opens with engaging copies.
We knew that the entire marketing community could benefit from it and the prompt engineering we had done. And so we decided to open this for all.
We combined our marketing, tech and AI expertise to create an AI Subject Line Generator tool for busy marketers - OpenHigher AI.
We built the OpenHigher AI, where we automated subject line best practices inside the tool and simplified adding campaign details with GPT-4 using drop-down options.
As a result, marketers don’t have to
✍️ Write lengthy prompts
💡 Or specify best practices like character count
✅ Or tell GPT-4 to generate a preheader separately.
OpenHigher AI can do this and more in a single click.
We have also added extra utilities to the tool -
💌 A preview mode to show how it looks in an inbox
💬 Sharing options for feedback or review.
🤝 A community to get live feedback on your chosen subject lines.
Some of our beta users have created 15-20 subject lines for a single campaign in minutes and seen a rise in their open rate.
Today, we present it to you and hope you enjoy its benefits as much as we do. Do check it out and share your feedback.
May the opens be with you!
P.S. I know there are many such tools in the market, but we realised that these tools usually produce generic results that aren’t too useful. We want to change that. So do give this a spin, and would love to hear your feedback.
This is great! We've been using Mailmodo for a while, and we love how easy email marketing is with you guys. This is definitely a game-changer. AI-generated subject lines AND pre-headers? SOLD! 🙌🏼