Ryan Hawley

Make Passport Photo - Create I.D photos for 150 countries


Create ID. VISA, Passport photo for 150 countries.
Comply to photo size, rules, format and other requirements easily.
- Manually Edit Photo, Adjust Lighting, Add Dresses
- Automatically match/change Background, Bio-metrics as per rules

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WHY? The cost of printing and taking professional quality photos has gone down drastically. But still photo studios charge a premium of upto 15$ just to get 8 passport photos. Lets change the 20 year industry. You can easily take good photos with today's mobile devices and take great prints with home printers. Or you can also print at Walgreens, CVS, Walmart or other photo printers for as little as 25cents. That would give you a 14$ saving just for one passport photo. Using our free tool, you get guidance to match the requirements of 500+ document types across the world, for both online and offline applications. You can download photos in A4, 6x4, 7x5, 3.5x5, A5, Legal or Letter paper formats, so that you can take a single print out and get upto 40 Passport Photos. If you are in a hurry and feel that your background needs to change try our AI- Automatic service for free. You can buy the photos for 3.99$. I think the home page needs further improvement, currently it has a huge 40% bounce rate. Looking forward to hearing your suggestions and improvements on improving the bounce rate and other mistakes I would have made in the product.
@owenfar1 Well its a personal preference. We see most people going online to save time than visiting a physical store. Online has its own advantages.
Hardik Gupta
@paul_jebasingh This is very useful product. Some feedback on the homepage. When I click Create Photo on the homepage, it shows an error because I haven't selected a country and type. This is counter intuitive and jarring. Create Photo should just take me to the next page where I should be able to pick country and type (if not done on homepage).
@hardikgupta Thanks Hardik, will try to implement A/B testing and share the results here.
Hi there hunters and makers of ProductHunt. Thanks @ryanhawley12 for hunting. Very often we need printable or digital passport photos for ID/Passport/VISA photos. We may not need VISA photos now because of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, as it is not safe to travel now. You can try our other photo document types for FREE. FEATURES 1. Change Background to White, Light Grey or other automatically based on the country and document type 2. Crop, Align, Rotate, Adjust Brightness, Color, Edit photo, Add Dresses(beta) 3. Compress photos for online applications 4. Create printable photo grids for 4x6, A4, A5, 7x5, 3.5x7, letter, legal photo types for printing at home or CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, etc
Shinkai Kenji
Congrats on the launch, Make Passport Photo! Not what I typically see on Product Hunt, but it’s a refreshing idea 🎉
@shinkaikenji @ryanhawley12 Thanks Shinkal, I used to create passport photos for my friends and family using Photoshop when I was in college. Now exploring the idea of taking it commercially through this web app.
Gab Bujold 💀
makepasseportphoto is a really cool product! I'm the type of guy who's always losing his passport while traveling so; it's a mess going through all of the processes to get a picture taken ($), going to the passport center to get it done($$), receiving a message that your photo doesn't work, going to take another photo ($$$), and re-doing the passport application ($$$$). I enjoy the fact that you're showing that your AI is excellent. I tried it with a bunch of pictures, and the quality is marvelous. Keep up the excellent work, and I'm saving your tool for my next work Visa :)
@bujold19 Gabriel thanks for the positive words and checking us out. The AI feature is something we released recently based on all the data gained over the last 9 years.
Gary Leyden
Well done you guys, it’s looking stunning. I’ll be staying tuned.
Dari Pavlíčková
Nice product, very useful right now. Thanks.
@daripavlickova Thank you. Any suggestions?
James Beaudoin
I don't think you understand how ID pictures work, it needs to be validated on the back, last time I checked the photo needed to be 6 month old at most when I presented one of my own-made pictures, hence why you need to go in person at a pharmacy or photo studio
@james_beaudoin Not all country / document type requires this. I am working on ways to incorporate this into our application.
Crystal Previti
You’re home and you don’t have to expose yourself outside! I had to recently take photos for work and I looked like hell. But with this I can take from home and look better! This needs more product placement banners!
Do you find MakePassportPhoto useful?
Mark Aune
This looks like a great idea.
Olivier Robichaud
Excellent work guys!
Derek Shanahan
Jeez, the ads on your site are scammy, distracting, and borderline misleading. Trust gone.
@dshan Hey there are very very minimal ads on the website. There is only one page with Ads. Which page are you referring to, could you share a screenshot with me please. Will definitely correct this if you are right. My twitter handle @pauljeba, please dm me with reference please. I am surprised with your feedback and want to handle it please.
@pauljeba @dshan Thanks Darek. The Ad on the right side shouldn't be this big. Let me investigate this. Could you tell me which browser you tested this with please
Derek Shanahan
@pauljeba The ad served to me installed malware on my laptop. Chrome.
@pauljeba @dshan Oh shit. That should not have happened. Will definitely hunt down the Ad and report it to google as am using google adsense for Ads.
Gage Farmer
Nice idea in these uncertain times.
Ayachya S
Cooool :)
William Moala
These are the kind of initiatives we need 🙌 Very good work guys!
@williammoala Thank you for your motivation William :)
Jim Minor
Looks Interesting, can't wait ...price seems on point.
@jimminor1 Thanks Jim, was wondering if the price was right. Thanks for the feedback :)
Chad Allen
Easy-to-use interface during engagement as well.
@chadallen Thanks you so much Chad. Still not convinced how the home page looks. There is a lot of room for improvement :(
Yevhenii Peteliev
Niceee! Application looks very slick and has a very nice user experience. I can't wait when I try it :) Congratulations!
@peteliev Thank you so much Yevhenii. Please try out and let me know of any feedback :)
Phillip Rivers
I wish I knew about this a month ago lol
@mstrvrs haha :) now you know
Asif Islam
Well done guys. You just made my day. Love the app. Keep up the good work.
@asifpix Thanks Asif. Thanks for sending some positive vibe across :)