Just over 3 weeks ago, we created a community for Product Hunt makers to get together and share information that wouldn't fit into the discussion right on Product Hunt. I talk briefly about that here: https://medium.com/@erictwillis/....
It has blossomed to 100s of makers who share interesting content, network for job opportunities, provide feedback for pre-launch products, and a host of other things. We've also done daily AMAs with great entrepreneurs who've been gracious enough to share their valuable perspectives with the community. The idea is to help makers become better makers and hopefully launch better products on Product Hunt.
Soon, we'll be releasing some tools that will also help "non-makers" contribute
Also you can find previous AMAs on our medium channel here: https://medium.com/@makerhunt
We have had some amazing insights into the minds of some fantastic makers.
Keep up the good work @erictwillis ! Loved the ama with @sandimac and hear her stories on Quibb & PH :D Also met some great makers so far that I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with.
Amazing platform to further connect with other makers and share detailed learnings!
@christoy@_bgian@daspianist etc ;)
I'm a member and I love the energy in the community and how helpful everyone is. As for the AMA's, they're... beyond.
Should be writing some sort of roundup one of these days. ;)
Soo excited to finally see this on PH! 👏 😄
I've already made several valuable connections in the Maker Hunt community. Embed Hunt (http://www.producthunt.com/posts...) was the result of some of those connections, and I'm sure you'll see more startups/products come out of Maker Hunt in the future!
Oh, and the AMA's are wonderful! I love getting to know the people behind the products 😏 thanks @erictwillis, @mubashariqbal, @sleinadsanoj, @bentossell, @remco_verhoef & @imcatnoone for all your work putting this together. I'm very excited to be a part!
The AMAs have such a density of useful information it's incredible. Eric and team have done a great job building up the community with helpful and talented folks always ready to offer advice or recommendations!
Hey all! One of the makers of @MakerHunt here. A bit late to the party but happy to be on here and answer any questions that may be had and have not been answered yet :)
I worked on all things design and continue to do so. Excited for all that's coming and hope you all enjoy!
Maker Hunt is a great place to find inspirational and knowledgable people who are always so helpful. With tonnes of great AMA's, I find myself on the channel most of the day and have made some new friends along the way! 👍
Hi there, one of the makers of Maker Hunt here.
I'll be around all day to answer any questions you might have.
If you want to read a bit more about what making Maker Hunt has been like in the short time that it existed I wrote some things about my personal experience here: https://medium.com/@jonasdaniels...
We're currently working hard to provide more & better tools for makers as well as anyone who does not have a product on Product Hunt (yet). You'll see a lot of that sooner rather than later. :)
Very happy to have been part of the team that created Maker Hunt.
I think the coolest thing is that we've already seen some new products created by people who met on Maker Hunt.
I've been really impressed with the work that Eric, Jonas and Mubashar (really hoping I'm not forgetting anyone) have done a great job of getting the community off the ground. They may be surprised to hear this as I suspect I'm also their most consistent critic, but to their everlasting credit they've created an energetic, diverse, intelligent and helpful community.
Edit: realized I had forgotten Ben's work on archiving the AMAs - which is also much appreciated.
@mbuckbee Thanks so much Michael! (Eric & I actually get a lot of our daily talking points from your criticism, so please do keep it up, you're helping us immensely in figuring out what we can do to make Maker Hunt better!)
Wanted to join because I love the idea of chatting on Slack with other ppl in the PH community but it looks like it's currently open to "makers." Any timeline as to when people working on things can join?
@daveparkhere Hey Dave! We're working on a more open system right now that will enable people who's product isn't on ProductHunt (yet) to join us. In terms of timeline I can't promise anything, but we're definitely aiming to get it working this month! (If you went through the signup flow on the site & signed up for the email-list you'll be notified as soon as it's ready!)
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