Zach Lucas

MakeSpace AR Plan Estimator - Measure your stuff in AR to get an accurate plan estimate.

The AR Plan Estimator is a way for users to quickly estimate the storage plan size they will need for their stuff by pointing their phone around the room and tracing things with their finger in AR. It is difficult to conceptualize the physical space needed to store your things, and as soon as we saw ARKit at WWDC, we knew there was an opportunity.

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Drew Tunney
This is awesome. This is the first "real" problem that I seen solved with AR. Congrats to the team!
Ryan Hoover
This app's thumbnail preview is a great GIF explainer. AR app marketing is all about the GIF.
Zach Lucas
Hi! I'm one of the engineers at MakeSpace who built this feature. This was a fun project for us, with some interesting AR-related technical challenges. We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!
Andreas Kroepfl
Well, it looks great, but can you explain me the difference to AirMesasure?
Zach Lucas
@andreaskroepfl since we've built this experience tailored to fit our particular needs, this is the best way to estimate your MakeSpace plan size. Measuring many items in sequence in one AR scene is a plus, too!
Clément Chanut
Awesome !!! Great Job !!!
Robert Melkonyan
Looks cool. When you are planning to launch it on Google market?
Zach Lucas
@melkonyanrob Thank you, Robert! Stay tuned to to see what's next in store. :)
Jeffrey Wyman
Now I can finally figure out where to put that double decker couch! Everything is awesome!!
Grzegorz Gwoźdź

I think now buying new furniture will be easier :)


Solve a lot of problems!



Natalia Kharchenko
Seems to be very useful thing! Keep on!
Michael Yagudaev
Why is it not available on the Canadian store?! :(
Estimating Australia
Great flow
Such a good idea. Saw this implemented on some website - this one I think: https://www.morgantownwvmovingco... - but not to that extent! AR is awesome.