Chris Messina

ManyChat for Facebook Messenger - Create a Messenger bot to engage your audience. No coding!

Top Hunter

Are you an online marketer? Or you just need to spread your information to a large group of people? ManyChat will help you build a Facebook Messenger bot easy and fast, just connect it to your account! That way you can expand your audience and grow your business. It has all the tools needed to engage and boost your subscribers!

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Mikael Yang
Hey Product Hunters – It’s Mike from ManyChat, and today we are excited to launch ManyChat for Messenger! ManyChat allows you to create a Messenger bot without coding to engage your audience. I know what you are thinking – “Another bot pitch?”… Yes. But we are different. We launched on Telegram 9 months ago ( Since that time we have grown to power over 155'000+ bots that send out over 600M messages every month. Our main focus is on helping you engage your audience with features like: ✅Interactive Broadcasts ✅Scheduled Posting ✅Subscriptions ✅Keyword Automation … and much more We believe that messaging apps are going to be the next channel for content consumption and for audience engagement and we are helping creators and non-technical people leverage this platform. We are taking everything that we have learnt on Telegram to create the best visual bot builder for Messenger. Happy to answer any questions here or you can reach me directly at Short tutorial: How to create a Facebook Messenger bot without coding [5 mins]
Made with ❤️ Mike
Tristan Pollock
LOVE using ManyChat for bots. It's the fastest way to do it. 🔥
Mikael Yang
@writerpollock thank you!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This is such a simple and effective tool -- and Mikael's expertise from Telegram is a huge advantage!
Mikael Yang
@chrismessina so proud that you hunted us! Thank you!
Amazing! This is really the 1st Bot creation platform for messenger where I created a simple bot in under 10 minutes! Linked a channel and everything too :) I'm curious, how do you see this evolving and what does your roadmap look like?
Mikael Yang
@sandrojazzar glad you found it easy to use! We were working very hard to get the UX right. We think that Facebook and other messaging platforms are going to open up more and more APIs and this will allow platforms like ManyChat to do more and more awesome things :) Currently we are working on more feautures for audience engagement like polls, surveys, interactive content, etc.
Pavel Myakov
Hey Mike! Seems like you got easy-to create interface for broadcasting messages from brands. But what's the difference between ManyChat and Chatfuel?
Mikael Yang
@myakov great question! CF guys have built an awesome tool, but we are more focused on audience interaction and believe that our tool is easier to use.
Diana Moldavsky
Congrats on all the fast growth on Telegram and being early on FB messenger. Keep up the good work Mike & team!
Mikael Yang
@diana_moldavsky thank you! #500Strong
AJ Shewki
This is awesome Mike. Q: let's say someone writes a message that isn't picked up by the bot, can we create automatic alerts that notifies us and allows us to manually go in and answer the query? sort of like a try/catch thing?
Mikael Yang
@aj_shewki great question. Later you will be able to do that. We already have Live Chat functionality built out and soon we will integrate it into ManyChat. So you will be able to switch between manual and automated mode.
Zara Martirosyan
Congrats on the launch, Mike! Best of luck to you and the team!
Eric William Dolan
Hey Mike! Cool stuff. If I'm a small business or startup, how can I leverage ManyChat, or bots in general, to help my business, sales and customer support etc?
Mikael Yang
@eisforinnovate ManyChat is very versitile in terms of what you can do with it. From broadcasting content to your subscribers to creating a content catalog that can showcase your menu, for example, if you are a restaurant. Also you can set up keyword replies to the most frequently asked questions, which will provide instant help for your customers.
Andrew Torba
Looks awesome! Do you plan on integrating Slack, SMS, and other bot channels in the future? Also I'm curious to see how you are thinking about the business model if you are willing to share. :)
Mikael Yang
@torbahax we already have a massive bot builder on Telegram, and yes, we are thinking about other platforms :) The business model is likely going to be a monthly subscribtion with a free plan always available.
Ilya Pestov
Awesome! Congrats on the launch!
Mikael Yang
@ipestov Thanks, fellow bot builder! 😉
Nick O'Neill
What do you think about Facebook's terms preventing broadcast newsletters?
Mikael Yang
@allnick great question – content broadcasting is allowed (we have CNN bot, WSJ bot, etc), it's the promotions and the ads that are forbidden.
Congrats @mikedyang on launching ManyChat for Facebook messenger. It's by far the easiest facebook bot builder I've come across. Quick question, What's the difference between not creating our own Facebook app and linking it to ManyChat like many other services do and not connecting an app at all like ManyChat is doing at the moment?
Akshay Kulkarni
@justruky @mikedyang I guess its just way easier this way..I didn't have to worry about making an app or anything and I have a bot
@akshay2104 chatfuel requires you to make an app and connect it to their chatbot api, which requires facebook to approve the app that takes a lot of time, I find it's a killer feature that ManyChat doesn't require making an app and connecting it to their API. +1 @mikedyang
Carolina Myakova
Looks really great! I also liked the tutorial video, all looks quite easy to use! Do you plan to add other messengers?
Mikael Yang
@carolinamyakova thank you! Yes, we are thinking about other messengers as well.
Iddo Jonathan Gino
With bots being the future interface - this definetly seems like the right tool!
Mikael Yang
@iddojg 🐙 ✊
Brian Pensinger
A few questions. How do you turn it off? What if someone just messages you and doesn't want to sign up for the bot broadcasts?
Daniel F.
Signed up, connected FB account, and then the tutorial begins. I get to the "Press the 'Send to Messenger' button to try it out" dialog, and I click "Send to Messenger," and nothing happens. Screenshot:
Mikael Yang
@zefareu can you message me on FB? Will try to solve this asap
Tal Siach
@mikedyang @zefareu I got the same bug... Looks like a super cool product, can't wait to try it out.
Mikael Yang
@talsiach can you send me a message? trying to debug this right now.
Eugenia Muradyan
tony leonard
Awesome bots, about time we have something for messenger. Mucho appreciate your time and effort.
Alexander Voloshchuk
Amazing tool for building FB bots!
Mikael Yang
@voloshchuk 😄👍 thanks, Alexander!