I wish I could double upvote this. Great execution and it's interesting to see where things are being created. Although SF and NYC are well-represented, you can see hunts are surfacing from across the world. I expect to see even more diversity over time.
@rrhoover +1. One small change I'd love to see is sidebar with names and faces when you click into a geo rather than the JS alert. Might be cool to cluster faces around the geo-center and put them on the map.
@zackshapiro@rrhoover we're thinking a popup with a list of names, and link to twitter profiles. People want to connect to makers around them. Not everyone can afford SF/NYC :)
@rrhoover I concur! This is amazing. Really interesting insight is that I'm only one of 4 creators from Australia, and that of the 4, 3 of us are from Perth, Western Australia. I think that certainly says something about our little "most isolated capital city in the world" on the west coast.
I'd definitely love to see a way to link to a user profile - it'd be a great way to setup a PH meetup here in Perth!
Edit: Oops, looks like I misread that. 4 cities have makers, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne being the other 3. Still 3 makers from Perth though!
Discover where people are making the products on Product Hunt. Heard today at the hackathon that 45% of PH monthly active users are outside the US and 95% outside SF
And we're featured again, in the Product Hunt Apps!
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Thanks again to everyone who commented and upvoted. All you guys made my day.
If you've made it this far I'd love to tell you more about the next stage of MapHunt. Shoot me an email: irosenb7@gmail.com
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