Compare the Sizes of Countries and States
Raghav Arora
Peek-a-week — Look back at your week to see if you were productive
Look back at your week's productivity and compare it to other active makers.
Raghav Arora
I made this as a quick experiment. Looking for ideas, feedback, and possibly collaborators
Zoe Chew
Tried this tool and love the dashboard idea. Simple design and easy to access Maker's Goal productivity data. Perhaps "compare with" search can be a drop down of users I can search / compare.
Raghav Arora
@whizzzoe Thank you Zoe!!
Zoe Chew

Simple design and easy to access Maker's Goal productivity data. Perhaps "compare with" search can be a drop down of users I can search / compare.


Love the dahsboard and learning about my productivity on PH


None so far

Raghav Arora
Thanks Zoe, I'll add that in the next version :)
Ferruccio Balestreri
Great Idea Raghav!
Raghav Arora
@frcbls Thank you Ferru!
Atif Noor
Interesting product. For someone privacy minded, I was turned off by the fact that the company/software can read your goals, see your business plans etc. when you authorize access.
Raghav Arora
@atifnoor93 Thank you for the feedback. I don't collect any data except server logs, which are needed for debugging. As far as I know, goals are public by default on PH - the idea is to encourage and help each other. Maybe we can ask the PH team to add an option of making goals private?
Sheenam Gautam

I would like more visualizations, and a comparison to the previous week - for example, you were 30% more productive than last week!


Good way to assess my productivity


It can be improved by adding more visualizations

Raghav Arora
Thanks a lot @sheenamgautam
Seems like a very good tool.Will give my feedback very soon
Raghav Arora
@monicabele Looking forward to your feedback :)
and how, pray tell, do I add tasks ?!?
Raghav Arora
@cycle337 It is linked to Product Hunt, so you add goals on Product Hunt, and mark them complete. A good way is to do that is to download the product hunt tab.
Gaurav Khurana
great tool to ensure a planned week !!!
Raghav Arora
@gaurak72 Thank you Gaurav!