I'm Co-founder of Marketica. We're excited to open up our project. I'm here to answer your questions about what we make and help you get started. In short, Marketica Themes is a platform for sharing free templates, and the author can make money from it, they will receive money per downloads. It's free but generate money, sounds crazy but that's what we aim to. We want to help people around the world save money, they don't have to pay for digital products.
I am obsessed with growth. So if you have any questions about referral programs or invite flows, let us know! You can email me at phong@marketica.co
@phongtuantruong@marketica Hey Phong, you have already a nice collection of well made templates.
On your website you wrote "9$ for a month" and also that they are free. I am a bit confused. Do i need to pay as a customer?