Projects like this scare me. You're trying to get a business model going, but everything about this shouts at me that this was quickly thrown together without any form of knowledge on security and how to handle user data.
Within minutes I found several ways of executing code on users' computers with the "Share Public Link" functionality. When I found the first one (XSS via URL), I could let it go. It happens, get it fixed and you're good. But then I found out you can even use HTML in your task messages and it will happily execute that too? No, this is unacceptable. You can't let your users run code on your domain like that, and it shows me there's no sense of security here, at all, yet meanwhile you're asking for people to sync their data to your servers.
PLEASE, for the love of god, invest time into learning about security before being the next start up that got hacked purely because they spent no time thinking about how to deal with their users data.
Links for proof:
- XSS via URL:
- Task with HTML/Javascript:
When you're working with user data, this should be in your absolute basic knowledge of security.
Hey all,
Wow! Didn't expect this to be submitted!
Perma is something I've been very casually working on in my evenings and weekends for about 7 or 8 months. By day, I'm the CEO of a company called, where we build a platform for software and SaaS businesses.
I've been working on Perma, primarily because I couldn't find a tasks app that really "fit" with my workflow, and wanted something that was collaborative that my entire team could use with me.
While there's a pro version at the minute ($19) which will include Pro access to the Mac version for now, and Web, iOS, Android, Windows versions once released. Please feel free to download Perma and use it totally free for as long as you wish, there will always be a free version, Perma Pro will include things like unlimited attachments etc... once that functionality is released over the coming weeks. If you feel like supporting the future development, paying the $19 for Perma Pro is highly appreciated! π
The app has a long way to go in terms of functionality, I plan on releasing a public product roadmap over the coming few days, and making the development decisions a collaborative process. I'd love to hear your feedback, either here, or via email (
Thanks so much everyone!
@heychristian Yet to try, to be devils advocate how different is than other tasks app. You mentioned something which fits your workflow was not out there, very keen to hear how that gap is filled by Perma! Good luck Christian! ππΌ
@anirudhbb Hey Anirudh β I think the primary couple of issues that I had were that I tend to be working on a bunch of different things, with a bunch of different people in my team. So needed something that wasn't as structured as "lists" where tasks could span multiple lists, and then there was a collaborative process around working on and discussing tasks.
Those tasks may be public/private and across one, or multiple different projects, or lists. (In Perma, these are #tags). β This is probably possible with other apps, but I've never been able to find one I that just "works" in the way my brain does!
I completely agree with you, the functionality that this needs isn't all there yet. Attachments support, sub-tasks, assignees, reminders, due-dates, recurring tasks (as well as additional clients: Windows, iOS, Android, Web etc...) are all necessary.
I plan on putting up a public roadmap at some point, and gathering as much feedback as I can from early users, so I can build a productivity app that works well for me, and hopefully other individuals and teams too. Currently this is all in my spare time, and it's just me, but I'm hopefully I'll be able to make gradual but significant progress over time.
I'm just excited to get as much feedback (positive and negative) as I can, understand how people work, and build something flexible enough that people find Perma a super efficient way of getting things done on their own, or with their team.
@liambws@t55 Hey both β didn't expect this to be submitted, but appreciate the feedback so far. I've been building this in my evenings for the last several months, as I just couldn't "get along" with other to-do apps.
Currently it's very much the "bare bones" of what I eventually envisage it being β really want the development process to be iterative and collaborative in nature. Lots of people work in different ways, and I'm excited to make an app that is flexible enough to work with lots of people's workflows.
I plan on releasing a public product roadmap in the next few days. :) If you have any feedback, or suggestions, I'd love to hear them:
I got an email about this yesterday and checked it out. Really clean and nice interface. Pretty simple app with some promise. It's 'Slack-look' is welcome in my opinion. Wondering what will be next on their product roadmap.
I just downloaded it and gave it a try. It is a great and very very simple product, think I'm going to stick to it. Thanks for sharing Brandon! ;)
By the way, be careful when creating your first task, and later on creating a second task for a different subject (tag). You should go out of the initial tag channel (your subject/category), otherwise it would automatically add the second task to the initial tag channel/category too, and you'll have to right click to remove the tag π
Ps. I'm using Perma actually for subtasks, for the bigger picture I use Trello, so integrating these two would be great.
@victormanriquey Thanks Victor! Great suggestions β I plan on releasing a public product roadmap, and make it open for submissions in the next few days. :)
@heychristian Sure Christian, I know it's still in beta so just wanted to give some first impressions. I'm going to keep on using it since it's simple and works. Other important things for me is: being able to organise the order of tasks, now ordered by date added. Good luck and keep us in the loop!
@victormanriquey Those things are definitely on the short term roadmap. Thanks for your support. Hope I'll be able to make Perma into something you really love using over time.
I really like the UI, its quite comforting with the familiarity of Slack. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Perma! Keep up the good work :)
@maartenafink Hey Maarten β Christian, the developer here. I agree, the UI was heavily inspired by Slack (focusing around #tags), and Wunderlist is a fantastic app. My primary reason for working on this, was I couldn't find another to-do app that "fit" with my workflow.
One of the things within my plan soon, is to refresh the UI, and add themes so you can make Perma your own. I'm a huge fan of Slack & Wunderlist, both have stellar product teams, the intention was never to rip-off the UX, but having perhaps been too "close" to it for a while, taking a step back, I can certainly see the heavy inspiration.
Just downloaded it and am trying it outβso far it's very clean and usable. Going to get a couple people at the office to download it too so we can try out the collaborative aspect. Seems very promising, congrats!
@paigeelisa Thanks paige, any feedback please let me know β got a long way to go to get something really perfect, but excited to see if I can build something that teams love to use. :)
Looks to have some promise.. I like the look of the interface, it is clean and easy to use.. Will give it a try for a few days and see if it makes me want to keep using it after that.
@davidshawblog Thanks for this, it's something I've been very casually working on (mostly for my own use) for a couple of months, before giving it to some people in our office. There's definitely a ways for us to go, and the app has a lot of what I'd call "missing" core functionality.
I'm excited to continue working on this in the evenings/weekends, and building in some of the functionality people want based on the awesome feedback I've gotten so far. If you have any suggestions, let me know:
Its good. I was actually thinking about it few months ago, that slack lacked #tags in the conversations in addition to channels. The hashtags give more context around a topic. Is this for teams? What is the future roadmap?
@sridhar_kondoji Slack definitely was a big inspiration (I think can be seen from the UI). I built this mostly for myself around the way that I was working (tasks spanning multiple projects or groups - hence tags).
It's collaborative, and for teams β you can navigate to a #tag and then share it using the sharing menu in the toolbar (next to search) at the top of the app. The collaborate and discuss tasks.
It's my intention to release a public product roadmap over the next few days. Would love to hear your suggestions:
@heychristian@flintsw I am actually in the final stages of my app that is geared towards solving different problem, but it is in the same professional/students space. It uses short notes with hahstags as well. Will ping you, once it is ready. Lets connect on twitter and on PH.
@itsnblackburn Hi Nathaniel β That's the intention. It's Electron built, Windows + Linux clients should be here within a few weeks, in addition to a web-app and mobile apps at some point.
@m3tthew Something I whipped up in 5 minutes β I'm definitely no icon designer, so glad to see I've manage to make something that's not entirely terrible! π
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