Amy Sharon Sezak

MasterClass for iOS - Learn anywhere from the best in the world

MasterClass for iOS gives you an easy way to learn something new every day from the greatest minds in photography, cooking, film, writing, music, sports, journalism, and more. Explore daily content and full classes anywhere at any time — from Annie Leibovitz, Stephen Curry, Gordon Ramsay, Aaron Sorkin, Malcolm Gladwell, Jane Goodall, and more.

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David Rogier
Excited to share that we officially launched our iOS app for iPhone and iPad, and introduced our first class in the science category with a MasterClass on space exploration from astronaut Chris Hadfield. The world is changing faster than it ever has before, and we now have to keep learning just to keep up. Education has to change. Education can't be bounded by a classroom or a desktop computer. Our new app not only lets you explore all our classes and learn wherever and whenever it suits you, but it is also the first time we're picking some of the best lessons from our instructors and sharing them in bite-size chunks every day. These one-minute videos give you a way to learn something new in just a few minutes, and hopefully inspire you to dive deeper. Hope you enjoy it and look forward to getting your feedback.
Filip Johansen
@drogier Really love MasterClass! Thanks to the Werner Herzog MasterClass I managed to land a long time contract with Cities of Love with no prior experience as a producer/director.
David Rogier
@filip_johansen that’s amazing! Congrats!
Ryan Hoover
Congrats on the launch, @drogier and team. You've had a ton of awesome stars on the platform but if you could choose any one person to host a master class that hasn't already, who would it be?
David Rogier
@rrhoover great question! Living: Elon Musk. Dead: Isaac Asimov.
David Rogier
@rrhoover What about you? Who would you want to learn from?
Ryan Hoover
@drogier hrmmm... that's a hard decision. Conan O'Brien would certainly be up there.
Greg Bates
@drogier Looks great! Would love to get your take on what we're building over at - MasterClass is definitely an inspiration that we are drawing on.
Danny Tran
I love the idea! I’ll have to try this soon!
Akash Mukherjee
No Chromecast button on the videos? I would like to cast from the MasterClass app to my TV.
David Rogier
@akashdmukherjee17 Not yet! But we'll get there soon!
Peedu Tuisk
Masterclass is doing a great job with marketing, they seem to pop up everywhere and the ads are actually relevant too. Love the branding as well. So whoever's behind it during the last year or so, well done.