Ryan Hoover

Mattermark for iOS (pre-release beta) - Research, prospect, and track the fastest growing companies


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Ryan Hoover
Mattermark just released their iOS app (not yet available in the App Store -- be sure to visit the site on your iOS device to download). I've enjoyed watching MM grow, having just announced their Series A and pivoting from their previous "zombie startup" (in @daniellemorrill's words), Referly just over a year ago.
Eric Willis
@daniellemorrill @rrhoover This was one of my favorite Mixergy interviews where Danielle discusses the process of starting Mattermark. http://mixergy.com/interviews/da...
Ryan Hoover
@daniellemorrill @erictwillis since we're sharing video interviews, here's her talk with @Jason on This Week in Startups from 2 months ago: http://thisweekinstartups.com/ma...
Eric Willis
@daniellemorrill @Jason @rrhoover Nice. Gonna watch that one tonight.
tom meagher
@daniellemorrill @erictwillis @Jason @rrhoover One of my favorite TWISt episodes! She gives Jason a run for his money!
Danielle Morrill
@erictwillis @Jason @rrhoover Thanks, this is probably my favorite interview I have ever given. Jason is a lot of fun.
Avi Eisenberger
As Danielle said we wanted to be very intentional about the way we designed and released the app. It's a really exciting opportunity for us to craft the experience from scratch and tailor it to the on-the-go lifestyle many of us AND our customers have. We're iterating on new things faster than you know so make sure you stay tuned. I also wouldn't be surprised if lessons learned from mobile impact our web product in a really positive way too ; ) Email mobile@mattermark.com with feedback and requests please!
Ryan Hoover
@aeisenberger @daneillemorrill there's a LOT of functionality on mattermark.com. How did you decide what to pull into the mobile app and do you see it as a replacement for the web experience or a companion app? Honestly, we've had some similar discussions with the Product Hunt iOS app. As our feature set grows, we debate how much of the "creation-based" functionality we want to include in the mobile experience.
Avi Eisenberger
@daneillemorrill @rrhoover Since mobile represents such a different paradigm than the explicit filtering and searching we allow on the web app, we looked for a way to distill all of it down to a core that would make sense to start on mobile. We landed on search and, to start, company lookup. We can get our users 'trained up' and used to that then find ways to build upon that behavior to add more value that may or may not tie in directly to the web experience as it stands now (I think it will be a bit of both as time goes on). ALL That being said i'm not quite sure we know yet whether its a replacement, companion, or a little bit of both - an thats totally ok. What I think about a lot it that the motivations vary for certain behaviors between desktop and mobile. I may share a list on my phone for a different reason than I would on my computer and THAT difference is going to drive our decision making.
Danielle Morrill
@daneillemorrill @rrhoover @aeisenberger I really like what we've chosen so far because it aligns with daily habits our customers have, in this case VCs and sales people have a ton of meetings and it is hard to remember the details about every company you meet with. You could open your CRM on your phone, but let's be real... there isn't a great mobile CRM experience out there yet. This app is a way to quickly remember what the company does, who the execs are and the latest funding -- helpful jumping off points for the conversation, but bite size enough for busy people.
Ryan Hoover
@daneillemorrill @aeisenberger that use case reminds me of Refresh, one of my favorite CRM-related apps.
Honey Raj Varma
Congrats on the launch to you and the team @daniellemorrill ! Had recently purchased your Traction Report, curious to know member products support that will be available in the app?
JD Carluccio
@daniellemorrill @raj_ventures I purchased the report too. It would be interesting if it comes for free with the app. Maybe it will create a bunch more of downloads ;)
Danielle Morrill
So excited to have v1 of our app in the hands of customers! At first we were going to wait to do a bigger product launch, but my experience the past couple years is that unless you've got a really hot consumer mobile product it's not really news-worthy. At Ryan has talked about, we are big on building in public and with our funding round announced earlier this week this was really our last secret. Right now the app is very simple, you can search the 1 Million+ companies in Mattermark and get a quick overview of what they do, their industry tags, funding history, growth and momentum scores, employee growth, key team members, etc. We are looking forward to adding more functionality, and figuring out if this app stays tied to the Mattermark Professional trial/subscription (you need one that is paid or an unexpired trial to login right now). Things like the Mattermark Daily, Custom Lists, Alerts, etc. could all find a home in this mobile app in the future. We'd love to hear your feedback on what you feel is most important.
Danielle Morrill
In order to load the app you have to sign up for a Mattermark account, and then you can use the enterprise distribution.
Drew Lawrence
This is great news! Thanks @rrhoover! I've been using Mattermark for a few weeks now and have been incredibly impressed and happy with the site, the data, and the value it adds to my day. Can't wait to have the app!
Avi Eisenberger
Since we released the app, we've added news stories, and website views to the app. Even more coming very soon
Jay Musyj
Doesn't over-the-air loading of this public app violate Apple's policy? I thought over-the-air loading was only to be used in private Enterprise Deployment apps.