Noah Tovares

Mattermost 1.0 - Open source Slack alternative


Alternative to proprietary SaaS messaging, Mattermost brings team communication into one place making it searchable and accessible anywhere. Written in Golang & React and run as a production-ready Linux binary under an MIT license with either MySQL or Postgres

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Ryan J A Murphy
While I'm a big fan of open source, I'm not sure this product is an ethical one. It seems to simulate Slack so much that it clones it, at least at face value. Is this okay? This opinion is not one I hold with the _most_ conviction, however... Does anyone have any other thoughts on the _matter_? (puns intended?)
@ryanjamurphy Personally I use Slack and love it, but at times you get that one paranoid client that wants total control (hmm... "placebo response"? haha) over their project data... which is where Mattermost seems like a perfect fit (as far as I can tell)
Joshua Pinter
@ryanjamurphy Great question. And great "punage". I remember thinking the same thing with an Open Source Buffer App (can't recall the name). Without taking privacy and openness into account, my gut reaction is that it signifies a lot of misused talent and time going into cloning things that are already being done well and are sustained by paying customers. Are there no other problems that this time and effort could be solving instead of building an open source version of Slack....? Again, it's a simplified view, though.
Jacob Hobbie
@cprins_ @ryanjamurphy To add on to this, when working for large companies with a lot of private data, (like where I work now), we can't use cloud systems, so we need to be able to have a self-hosted solution.
David Cizek
@ryanjamurphy this happen all the time and it sparks innovation. Everybody copies being inspired by something. Slack is closed (api doesn't mean to be open anymore), they are open. Both have pros and cons and hopefully innovate faster. The time when there are patents on every single smallest button are (or should be) over. Good luck mm and slack. Both rock!
Jamie Martin
You know you've really made it as a SAAS product when open source clones of it start to arrive.
Noah Tovares
Mattermost just released v1.0 of their open source slack alternative. Looks great, and has a lot of customizability.
Ian Tien
Hi @noahtovares Thank you for sharing about us!! We built Mattermost after getting burned by a proprietary SaaS app--and we open sourced it because we think other organizations want a self-host option: Here's what's all new in Mattermost 1.0: We're very glad to share it with the community, Looking forward to any questions, comments, and ideas,
Adam Owen
How does this compare to Rocket.Chat (
This looks great! Will give Mattermost a try this week 😎
Ian Tien
Thanks @cprins_! Would love to hear any feedback you have via any of our community channels at Install guides here: Forum here for any questions or troubleshooting: You can vote for and contribute new feature ideas here: So glad you're taking a look, PS: If you use Docker, you can install Mattermost in one line: `docker run --name mattermost-dev -d --publish 8065:80 mattermost/platform`, and if you don't, there are step-by-step instructions here:
@iantien @cprins_ thats what looks more complicated the installation for day to day "normal" people. Great work improve the installation :P
@deambulando @cprins_ docker working great and within 1 minute, maybe a 1 click install for digital ocean or similar?
Jeeshan Chowdhury
Very cool. Are you planning on native apps, perhaps built on react?
Ian Tien
@jeeshanmdphd Yes, we have an iOS app in Swift internally that we're preparing to release. We want to eventually build in React Native. We spoke to the React team and their recommended approach is to build outside of React at first and then gradually swap in components as React matures. Android, Mac and Windows natives apps are planned as well.
Kirill Zubovsky
I love this because while Slack is still going after consumers, Mattermost could run in the enterprise sector. Open Source is great, but really being able to install behind a firewall is even better. Run fast enough, and it would be easier for Slack to just buy you than to acquire customers one at a time.
Really nice application, I love it ! Guys, we just released Woffice on Product Hunt, please upvote it : Thanks!!!

Mattermost is a breeze to install, configure and run. No flakiness, dependencies or arcane error messages. That's gives confidence to to run it.


Easy to install and run makes deployment simple


It's a decent self hosted Slack alternative and must resist the temptation to add complexity

Univention GmbH
Mattermost is a great and easy to use product. Thanks to the preconfigured UCS App Appliances, which are available as a virtual image, it is extremely simple to set up and to test it in your IT environment .