Jeremy Bell

Mayday - A calendar designed to help you spend time better


Mayday is a new kind of calendar, built for busy people. It automates scheduling based on your True Availability, intelligently blocks out time to focus, and helps to optimize your week. Take control of your schedule and spend time in more meaningful ways.

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Jeremy Bell
👋 Hello Product Hunt! Mayday is a new kind of calendar that we've created to help people spend time in better ways. The single most important tool we use to manage our time is the calendar (which might explain why there seems to be a new calendar or scheduling app announced on Product Hunt every week 🤷 ). However, we don't believe that building just a prettier or faster version of the same old calendar will help address the challenges we're facing with our schedules. For many of us, our calendars feel broken because we're in too many meetings or too many back-to-back Zoom calls. Or fragmented days that make it challenging to get deep work done. Or wasted time going back and forth trying to schedule a simple meeting. What's more, from personal events to undocumented to-dos, our calendars are not a comprehensive record of how we will be spending our time. We're building empathetic productivity software, and I'm excited to share a bit more about what Mayday can do: ▪️ True Availability: Empty space ≠ free space. Smarter scheduling requires a deeper understanding of the events in your calendar and how you want to spend your time. ▪️ Adaptive Scheduling: We need to rethink how meetings are scheduled to facilitate more efficient and dynamic collaboration between people. With Adaptive Scheduling, meetings can be created using parameters (e.g., "this week" or "in the afternoon") instead of just being booking at specific times. ▪️ Calendar Shield: Your calendar should automatically protect your schedule, so you always have time to get things done before your day gets filled with meetings. ▪️ Unified Timeline: All of your calendar accounts should co-exist peacefully in a single timeline, without duplicate events or excess noise. Mayday currently supports Google Calendar, with Outlook and iCloud support in the works and coming soon. ▪️ Smart Notifications: Maintaining an effective schedule requires more than basic reminder notifications 10 minutes before your next meeting. Instead, your calendar should alert you of potential issues before they blow up your day. ▪️ Native Apps: Accessing your calendar from all devices is essential, and you shouldn't need to hunt for a browser tab to use it. We currently support macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. Windows and Android are coming soon. ▪️ Privacy-by-Design: Your data belongs to you. Mayday can help you take control of your schedule without needing to know every specific detail of what's in your calendar. While Mayday is currently in private beta, we're onboarding new users each week, and we won't have a waitlist forever. In the meantime, here's a post that shares more about our goals with Mayday and the way we're creating a new kind of calendar for the modern world: 😸 Thanks everyone - let us know what you think!
Jeremy Bell
@patrick_lor2 Thank you!
Jeremy Bell
@signalshift Thanks! All credit for the design goes to @vickief :)
@vickief @jeremybell well then, bravo! i cannot wait to get my hands/eyes on this app, did the needful for perhaps a bump in the beta list.
Congrats on the launch. Haven't seen a good calendar product since Sunrise. There's a handful of calendars and calendar management tools (calendly, virtual assistants, etc). I hope Mayday can be a platform that pulls all that together eventually.
Jeremy Bell
@fahdananta Thanks for your support! We'll soon be the one platform for everything time-related in your life ;)
Jeremy Bell
@fahdananta Also, fun fact I recently discovered. Sunrise co-founder Jeremy Le Van's email address was They were such an inspiration for us when we started Mayday, but the email and domain similarities between us are a complete coincidence!
Kirk Simpson
Can you believe that the calendar hasn't seen true innovation in the past 5-10 years? I'm really excited about what Mayday can do to help take my time back.
Jeremy Bell
@kirk_simpson Thanks for your support (and given the 🎈I should also say welcome to Product Hunt!😻)
Ali Zahid
I've been looking for a new calendar ever since sunrise! Can't wait to use Mayday!!
Jeremy Bell
@alizhd Look no further - let's get you onboarded!
Adam McNamara
I've been using Mayday for a year, and I can't imagine going back to Google Calendar and Calendly. Quick Meet is a game changer. Type "Meet with Jeremy any afternoon next week" and Mayday creates a custom booking page, just for Jeremy. I've wanted Calendly to do this forever. Finally a calendar that treats people like humans.
Jeremy Bell
@adammcnamara1 Mayday says I'm available any afternoon next week, except Wednesday :) Thanks for the kind words and your support!
Adam Day
Paper calendars are dead, but we still use digital calendars in the same way - hard-coded variables input on a first-come-first-serve basis. The future of calendaring is dynamic 🤖
Sunil Sharma
I have been using Mayday everyday for a year now. I have it on my iPhone dock, and I am looking forward to the new release and all the calendar innovation that is about to come. Boundaries are becoming more blurred than ever, and Mayday establishes balance and order to busy lives.
Jeremy Bell
@sunil_sharma5 Thanks for your support! Happy to hear Mayday's helping bring some balance to your schedule :)
David Crow
Congratulations on the public launch. 🎉 It has replaced Calendly in my individual meeting request/scheduling workflow, and it really is the closest thing to Sunrise. The new Calendar Protect feature is surprising and incredibly useful at protecting me from myself (or my lack of action). Love this team and this product. 😍
Jeremy Bell
@davidcrow Thanks for your support and kind words!
Hooman Askari
Calendar apps are supposed to keep you organized and reduce burnout and work fatigue, but most calendar apps cause more anxiety. Not MayDay though, it's built help you keep calm and stay organized. I have been using it for quite sometime now, and don't think would switch to another app. The MacOS app is also coming out soon, and I cannot wait to start using that one too. Keep up the great work guys.
Jeremy Bell
@human_a Thanks for your support, and wait no longer - let's get you onboarded onto the macOS app! Keep an eye out for an invite email soon
Gareth K Thomas
The reality for me is that calendars are both super important, and absolutely awful. I'm very pleased to see anyone with a genuine passion to improve this area of my life. I use Apple Cal to manage my time, appointments, priorities, availability for meetings, and so much more... and it really was never designed for any of it. Looking forward to see this go live.
Jeremy Bell
@garethkthomas Thanks for your support and rest assured, the whole Mayday team is genuinely passionate about solving this problem... because we all want to improve this aspect of our lives as well.
Sam Haffar
This team is incredible! They are going to really re-define the calendar!
Jeremy Bell
@sam_haffar1 Thanks for the kind words and ongoing support!
Casey Rovinelli
Amazing! Well done @jeremybell and team. Save me from myself MAYDAY....SAVE ME!!!!
Jeremy Bell
@caseyrovinelli HELP IS ON THE WAY!
Andy MacDonald
Daily user of MayDay for a while now, its become a critical tool for managing day-to-day. Calendar Shield is a game changer
Jeremy Bell
@andymacd Love to hear that Calendar Shield has your back 🛡
This is nice idea! I like this app.
Adam Day
@vivekweb2013 Thanks for the feedback!
Jeremy Bell
@vivekweb2013 We like you too :)
Blake Yeager
Just signed up for access. I do fractional work for multiple startups which makes managing and syncing my calendars a complete pain. Does mayday have support to integrate and synchronize multiple different g-suite calendars?
Adam Day
@blakeyeager It sure does! Unifies all of your calendars into one timeline to streamline your day, but also ensures that your true availability is reflected across the different calendar accounts you're using. Includes privacy settings so others just see you as busy unless you want to share the full context.
Alexander Norman
Been an alpha user and Mayday has helped me retake control of my schedule by warning me when I have conflicting meetings and protecting my day from being overbooked.
Jeremy Bell
@alexandernorman Thanks for your support, and I'm thrilled to hear Mayday is helping you wrestle that crazy schedule of yours ;)
Russell Vaughan
How bout, yes! It looks amazing. Have applied for access. I know there is world of problems to solve out there but I am desperate for someone to solve this one. I live in my calendar app for work, I use both Gmail and Apple's calendar and they both frustrate me so much. Excited about this one!
Jeremy Bell
@russellvaughan1 Thanks for the kind words!
Edita Dermontaité
Oh, this is pretty cool actually, I'll bookmark it for my "cool apps to test out" list. Congrats on the launch!
Adam Day
@edita Glad to hear it and thanks for your support!
Benoit Chambon
Love the UX! Congrats :)
Jeremy Bell
@benoit_chambon Thanks! @vickief gets all the credit :)
Zaheer Merali
Congrats @jeremybell and the team Mayday for building an app that helps me reclaim my time (my life really!) from the tyranny of meetings. With several different calendars to manage and keep in sync, Mayday has become one of the most essential apps on my phone and Mac. Calendar Shield is like having a real live superpower - try it and you'll be amazed at the life you can live when you create focus time for yourself. Mayday has replaced 4 apps on one shot - the understanding Jeremy and the team have about what's wrong with how we use calendars and scheduling plus their ability to design simple gorgeous UX/UI makes this a winner!
Adam Day
@zaheer_merali Thanks for your support! All of your feedback as a beta tester has been super helpful towards shaping the product experience.