Maze is a tool for designers and developers that gives analytical results with actionable KPIs for your Invision prototypes.
Was searching for a product like this to organize our invision prototype testing, at first glance this looks simple and useful. Being able to select and push your prototype to different test groups or finding different test groups through this service would be AMAZING!
Pros:Great for building and tracking user and design tests.
Cons:Doesn't work as well on screens that have a time change function, confuses where templated hotspots are
I tested Maze with one of my invision prototype. The import is done automatically by copy pasting your invision link into Maze. Then you can create missions that your tester will have to complete. Once again all the experience is very intuitive.
Pros:So easy to take in hand - Very nice design - Intuitive - The analytics are very useful
Cons:nothing to report for the moment
Well, I might give it a couple more days of testing...
Pros:Amazing design!
Cons:None that I can see
Sometimes you miss some things in a usability test because you were occupied applying the test and your test companion didn't take notes, so with Maze we're catching more things, we're more free to pay attention to just applying the test
Pros:Really good to better catch usability test results