Hey everyone 👋
I'm Mateusz from MDB team. I am very excited to present to you the native version of MDB Vue.
We’re already experienced in providing useful tools for creating web development tools and UI kits for jQuery, React, Angular, and Vue coders, and now we decided to go step further, and as you already know it's a step towards Mobile a Native version of Vue.
Based on the latest NativeScript-Vue, focused on building native apps on Android and iOS. Wide variety of easy to implement components, icons, and animations make every project flexible and fully customizable. All this allows you to build cross-platform applications keeping all the advantages of its’ standard variant.
If you are building a mobile application, this tool will definitely be perfect for your awesome project.
We value the opinion of PH users so we invite you to check it out for free and leave some let us know in comments what you think! Cheers!
MD Bootstrap